Louis Gets Sick

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This imagine was requested by 1D_storylover (:

Your POV

I woke up and went downstairs to make breakfast. I decided I should take Louis breakfast in bed. After all, he did just get back from tour. It's the least I can do. I made some omelets, toast, cinnamon rolls, hash browns, and pored two glasses of chocolate milk. I placed two plates full of food on a tray, and walked up the stairs. I reached our room, and opened the door. Louis looked terrible. I could already tell he was sick. I put the food on the bedside table. "Aw babe. You don't look too good." I said. "I'm going to go grab the thermometer." I began walking to the bathroom. "No Y/N! I'm fine. Don't worry, baby." I looked back at him, knowing how terrible he was at lying. I continued to the bathroom in search of the thermometer. I finally founded it and walked back over to Louis. "Let's get your temperature." I said trying to put it in his ear. He grabbed my hands and pushed me away. "I'm okay." He said. "No you aren't. Let me take your temperature." I said holding his hands down. I put the thermometer in his ear, and waited for it to beep. "You've got a fever, babe. Let's get you dressed. I'll get you a doctors appointment." I told him as I put the thermometer away. "No! I'm okay! I don't need to go to the doctor." He said hiding under the blankets. "Not this again, Lou. I know you don't like it, but you need to get better. I'll be with you the whole time. I promise. Now, get up and get dressed." I instructed. "But-" He said but I cut him off. "Now, Lou." He groaned and got out of bed. I walked down stairs and grabbed my phone. I called the doctors office he normally goes to in Doncaster. I got him an appointment with his doctor, and it was in one hour. I heard him slowly walking down the stairs. He looked absolutely miserable. "Ready to go?" I asked him while grabbing my keys. "Yeah.. Let's just go get this over with.." He said sadly. I walked out the door and got in our Range Rover. Louis followed slowly behind. The whole drive was quiet, except for a few times when Louis coughed. I opened my door and helped him out. "Go sit down, babe. I'll check you in." I said as we entered the office. I walked over to the receptionist. "Who's the patient and what doctor?" She asked with a smile. "Louis Tomlinson to see Dr. Hadley." I smiled back. "Alright, I need a signature at the bottom of this paper." She said handing me Louis' patient info. I signed it and handed it back to her. "Thank you. Go ahead and have a seat. We will get him back shortly." She smiled. I walked over to where Louis was sitting. He was almost in tears. "I don't want to be here, Y/N.." He said quietly. "I know you don't, babe. But we need to get you better." I ruffled his hair, earning a small smile. "Don't touch my hair, woman." He said looking at me. "Still have the sass even when you're sick." I said. "I always have sass, baby." He said winking at me. I laughed with him. "Louis Tomlinson?" A nurse called from the door way. I stood up with Louis and walked him over to her. "Alright, kick your shoes off for me and step on the scale." The nurse told him. He took his vans off and stood on the scale. "Alright, let's get your temperature." She said grabbing the thermometer. Louis covered his ears with his hands. "C'mon babe. Just let her take it." I tried encouraging him. "It won't hurt, sweetie. I promise." She told him. He finally let her, and she put the thermometer in his ear. It beeped a couple seconds later. "Running a mild fever, sweetie." She said as she wrote it down. "Follow me this way." She said and led us to an exam room. "Hop up on the bed for me, sweetie." She told Louis. He hesitantly got on the bed. I sat down in a chair next to him. She grabbed his wrist and took his pulse. "Alright, I'm just going to take your blood pressure now." She said as she put the cuff around his arm. "Just stay relaxed for me." She said. She got his blood pressure and wrote it down. "The doctor will be with you shortly." She smiled, then left the room.

The doctor walked in twenty minutes later. "Not feeling too good, Louis?" He asked as he washed his hand. "Actually I'm feeling great." Louis said as he jumped of the table. "Not so fast." I said as I grabbed his waist. "Back on the table." I said pointing towards it. He sat back on the table, pouting. Dr. Hadley walked over to him, and he started to breathe faster. "Hey, shh. Calm down. Breathe." I said trying to calm him down. I grabbed his hand, and drew circles with my thumb on the back of it. Dr. Hadley took his stethoscope off from around his neck, and placed it on Louis' chest. "Deep breath." He instructed Louis. He listened to his chest for a few minutes. "Alright, now I'm going to listen to your lungs." He put his stethoscope on Louis' back. "Deep breath for me." Louis did as he was told. "Another.. And one more.. Perfect." Dr. Hadley put his stethoscope back around his neck. "There's some congestion in his lungs, but his heart sounds perfectly fine. Have you been coughing a lot?" He asked turning towards Louis. "No.." He responded quietly. "Yes he has. I heard him this morning. Lou, he's trying to help you. Be honest with him." Louis put his head down. "Was it a wet or dry cough?" He asked me. "Wet cough." I told him. "Alright." He put it in the computer, then walked back over to Louis. "Tilt your head back for me." He instructed Louis. He was hesitant but finally did it. "His glands are a bit swollen." Dr. Hadley said as he felt his neck. Louis winced and closed his eyes. "Did that hurt?" He asked concerned. "A little bit." Louis responded. "Well, we're done with that now. I'm going to check your ears, nose, and throat, then you'll be done." He told Louis as he grabbed the otoscope. He put it in Louis' ear. "This ear is a bit red. Let's check the other one." He moved to the other side of Louis and put it in his other ear. "Same on this side. Alright, go ahead and open your mouth for me." Louis opened his mouth a bit, but not enough for the doctor to see. "Wider please." He opened his mouth a bit wider, but Dr. Hadley went with what he got. "Your throat is pretty red. We need a strep test for that." Dr. Hadley finished looking at his ears and put the otoscope back on the wall. He grabbed the swab, and popsicle stick. I knew Louis wouldn't like this. "Open wide and say Ah for me." He told him and got the swab ready to go in. Louis shook his head a turned away. "C'mon babe. It's not that bad. Just relax." He slowly opened his mouth. Dr. Hadley quickly swabbed his throat. Louis gagged for a minute after. I rubbed his back to get him to calm down. The nurse walked in and took the swab.

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