Nara didn't wait for him to finish and ran/stumbled off the cot and out of the room. She ran like a toddler who was begging to learn how to walk as she tripped constantly over her feet ,at one point she even army crawled down the hallway .

"Please be ok"

"Nara"! She could hear Kixs frantic calls after her.

She grabbed onto the nearest window ledge she could find beside her in the hallway and forced herself up into a standing position as she fought against her aching body. Eventually she found dollars room, Nara opened the door and fell on her knees in exhaustion alerting the people inside they had company.


She felt two hands resting on her shoulders as she looked into two puffy red eyes.

"Kyber" she choked back her own tears.

There was a moment of quite as both girls stared at each other before kyber wrapped her sister in a comforting hug. Nara could feel hot tears on her shoulders as kyber clung to her body like a koala bear.

"I forgive you, we both do" she whispered into Nara's ear.

Nara sucked in her breath before fighting her grip around her sister.

"I'm so kyber I should have seen that bomb coming, those droids.."

"You did what you thought was right even though i you were reckless and stupid" kyber mumbled.

"Ok ok I'm sorry you don't have to criticize me now" Nara said.

For the first time in a while kyber let out a saddened laughter.

"I'm just glad your ok, he would be too"

Nara pulled back and looked her sister in the eyes. "How is is he Kix told me, no he sort of explained"

Kyber looked away from her sister in pain. "He's alive but he lost a lot of blood. The doctors had to remove his arm and leg that was badly injured in the blast. They told me it will take sometime to heal even though he did sometime in the bacta tank, he won't be walking for a couple of weeks"

Nara nodded sombrely "can I see him"

Kyber looked over her shoulder and sighed. "Yes, but prepare yourself."

Kyber helped pick up Nara and helped her weary muscles into a standing position. The two hobbled over to a sleeping Dollar, he was hooked up to millions of different wires. Some for breathing, some for fluids, and others for medication. His lower half was covered in a thick warm blanket that went up to his chest. She noticed the burn marks across his cheeks and upper chest that were slowly healing but would leaving a gnarly scar she was sure he'd brag about later on when he woke up. But what caught her attention was the new metallic arm that replaced his hand and upper forearm. She placed her hand on top feeling the cool metal and wires underneath her palm.

"Thank you Dollar I owe you my life" she whispered feeling a pain in her chest. She almost screamed feeling the metal wrap around her hand. Her breathing became frantic as she saw his brown eyes smiling down at her.


She sighed knowing even after being on the brink of death his first thoughts were about kyber.

It brought her comfort knowing how much he loved her sister.

The girl ran over to Dollar and wrapped her arms around his body refusing to let go. A small groan of pain left his lips making her flinch.

"No don't go please" he insisted making her wrap her arm once again around him. He let go of Nara's hand and softly stroked kybers head in comfort.

Nara: a force untoldWhere stories live. Discover now