Sleeping Beauty [2.4]

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   The faes took longer than Sien thought. Initially, he had plans to go see the baby, but the faes kept glittering around the small cottage and tried to feed the small royal before handing them off to the other little creatures.

At this time, most of them knew what to do and how to actually feed the baby. They were being overly cautious, but the fae creatures tend to panic whenever the baby woke up crying and making hissy fits.

Still, they did their best after the three good faeries left. Although they planned to properly take care of Sleeping Beauty, they couldn't help but scamper off when they noticed a large raven soaring through the skies, screeching at them before suddenly diving it and snapping its mouth. They didn't dare to stay out in the open for much longer and hid themselves in the safety of the forests, leaving Daemon to land quietly on top of the doorknob.

A small hum echoed softly, making Daemon snap his head over to where the sound was coming from. Soon enough, he saw his master walking up the old steps of the cottage with a large cloak covering up the majority of his body. Sien reached over to the knob, easily entering the house without much fanfare.

The raven flapped his wings, perching itself right on top of Sien's shoulder as they moved through the living room and over to the baby's room. Daemon kept looking back and forth toward the crib and over to his master, who seemed a little hesitant as he drew closer to the royal.

Peering down at the baby, Sien was incredibly startled just as the small human opened his eyes and gargled. The baby tried writhing around, clumsily stretching his hands upward and over to Sien's long hair. The baby managed to grab it and harshly yank it down, squealing.

Sien grunted, having to place a hand on the crib to keep a hold of himself. Daemon flapped his wings, squawking and unbalanced. The baby immediately tested up from the loud noise and cried, yanking Sien's hair fervently and making the dark fae grit his teeth.

Daemon hopped down onto a nearby table, watching his master drop his staff on the ground in an effort to carefully reach down and pick the baby up.

Just as Sien neared the child, he was captivated by the blue eyes, stopping midair to just look at him. The baby's cries softened a little, also staring back up at the male.

Children are cute, Sien thought and finally picked him up. He was a little nervous since it was his first time actually holding a baby. It took him a few clumsy tries but Sien was able to hold the royal firmly, gazing down at the child babbling and wiggling in his arms.

This was Sleeping Beauty, huh? Sien wouldn't have imagined it, but then again Midas warned him about these stories being twisted around. Perhaps this was another error.

Sien walked over to the other side of the room, sitting down on a rocking chair and moved back and forth to settle the boy down. Daemon hopped from furniture to furniture, getting a closer look at his master holding the royal.

The raven still didn't understand anything. Why does his master care? Was he truly going to ignore the fact this baby belonged to his enemies who casted him out of his rightful home? No matter how long the raven thought about it, nothing made sense. He figured it was because Sien liked having children around since the male thought they were adorable and funny, and that Nox kid was proof of it.

But this baby was different. There was a troubled look in Sien's eyes as he kept rocking in the chair, never really moving his eyes away from the child.

Daemon wondered if his master thought about the past when he was friends with Iris, Stella and Fawn. He's never heard about his master talking about the three good faeries, but it was probably because it was such a sensitive topic. Does Sien still care for them? He must still think about those faes even after all these years.

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