Snow White [1.14]

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There was a loud uproar after what the prince said. As Snow White fumed quietly, and his ministers began to argue forth with the prince, Amare was actually too stunned to reply to anything. Midas was quiet for a moment and had to shake his host out of his own thoughts to hurry up and intervene before anything else could escalate.

The prince was from an enemy kingdom, so it was obvious everyone was against this proposal. Lord Hein and Count Wessley grew in a heated debate whether or not to send the prince back, but Snow White stopped them just in time.

The female protagonist was the one to stop the whole court, gaining everyone's attention. Amare didn't know what was going on in her mind at the time, but the girl took a glance at the young prince before looking away, mumbling about how it wasn't such a bad idea to have their kingdoms finally unite.

Count Wessley almost passed out from the sudden revelation that Lord Hein had to hold him up, pinching the count's arms multiple times to shake him awake.

Amare placed a finger under his chin as he stared at the princess, who was still in disdain over the fact of having the prince in the same room. The blond thought to himself as how they're both the destined protagonists in this world, it would be a matter of time before they end up falling in love and getting married. Although he was a little relieved Snow White was trying to appease the court, he realized the girl was only doing it for the sake of their kingdom.

She was still young and uncertain, yet she decided to acknowledge the benefits of allowing the princess to marry her. Amare was troubled by this... but it's still going as planned, so he decided to ignore his worries for the time being.

The kingdom of Widor and Cethia weren't enemies in the beginning, but conflicts grew over time and had escalated to a full on war several centuries ago. The kingdoms were still hostile to each other, so anyone would be shocked to find the king of Widor sending the crown prince as an envoy. Amare hummed to himself, thinking if the royal family actually wanted to leave the past behind and look toward a new future with Cethia by their side.

The kingdom of Widor wouldn't be so bad to have as an ally. Their kingdom was larger, and had an abundance of lands which weren't fully covered so there were riches to be found. Widor was already wealthy to begin with, but they still had centuries of gold and silver yet to be discovered, making them one of the richest nations. It really wouldn't be a bad idea if Snow White married Crown Prince Isaiah.

Amare questioned the young prince as to why Widor would ever want to ally themselves with Cethia, and Crown Prince Isaiah merely replied with how his father grew tired of their kingdoms disputing. He had hopes of befriending Cethia once more.

But Amare looked back at Snow White's sunken face, and the troubling feeling began to emerge once more. It would take a miracle for the princess to start acknowledging the crown prince.

Which leads to them traveling out in the mountains, preparing to go hunt in the old areas of where the previous royals would go to play around. Snow White begrudgingly accepted Crown Prince Isaiah's presence, but Amare took the time to invite the prince, which the young male readily agreed. He was rather eager to spend his time with Snow White, but he made sure to give the girl some space and stayed far away, occasionally glancing at her carriage.

Amare sighed as he looked out of his own carriage, wondering if he should've just sat with Snow White instead of lazing around by himself.

There wasn't really anything for him to do, and even though he wanted to watch the scenery out of the carriage windows, it was too cold to do so since winter had begun. He had no one inside with him so he grew bored.

Lord Hein and Count Wessley were left at the castle while Amare and the princess were off at the hunt. He didn't mind handing over more of his authority to Lord Hein, but the count grew a bit exasperated with how much work that was yet to be done and wanted to run away from the castle.

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