Snow White [1.18]

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Amare never returned back inside the basement ever since he realized how insane the man in the mirror was, and the fact he was still in disbelief over Kain didn't help to ease much of his anxiety when he found out about the huntsman cooperating with the magic mirror since the beginning.

They were just children when it all started, has it really been that long? Did Kain really harbor deep feelings for Amare like that? And what of the mirror? The transmigrator completely disagreed with the magic mirror. The only logical reasoning as to why the mirror became so attached was only because he bought him out of the antique store, that was all. And as for Kain, he supposed the boy only felt deep admiration toward the previous Amare.

But it was no damn wonder why Kain sacrificed his own life to protect the previous Amare.

He concluded the two of them never really loved Amare as they say, they were just too obsessed with the idea of loving him because of what the young Amare has done before. That had to be the reason, otherwise nothing else made sense to him.

Amare explained everything to Midas, who turned pale at the thought of having his host stand so close to such a thing. But Amare looked even more depressed, constantly apologizing to the system.

"What're you apologizing for?" Midas was bewildered at the sight of Amare's distressed state.

The blond slumped his shoulders. "I... didn't get the item you wanted. I ran out too fast. I'm sorry, Midas."

The system ended up laughing after that, he didn't seem to mind at all, telling his host he could wait a little bit longer. Amare seemed to look better after that, but the guilt was still there so he didn't have it in him to face Midas for a few days.

During the next few weeks, Amare didn't see Kain, or even a shadow of him, and he hoped to keep it that way. Although considering how Midas was sure the marquess would do something soon, Amare had a gut feeling he'd have to face the huntsman soon enough.

Snow White quickly recovered from the hunt's incident while the crown prince took more time until his injuries slowly healed. They received a letter from the boy's family, congratulating them on their engagement and such. Crown Prince Isaiah was more than happy to reply back, although he needed help from Snow White to write since his dominant hand still struggled to move like before.

Amare could see those two doing just fine on their own, and since they were destined to come together anyways, he didn't think too much of it and simply left them on their own.

The dwarves still stuck around, though they seemed a bit confused and awkward when they sometimes stood near Amare, not knowing how to speak properly to a king. The blond didn't mind and threw small parties in their honor for finding the princess, and it took them awhile to get accustomed to Amare's sluggish and carefree personality.

Count Wessley and Lord Hein managed time settle everyone's disputes about the princess' marriage, although not everyone approved of it, the count was relieved to hear the majority of them supporting the union between Cethia and Widor. A few envoys came from Widor during these weeks, and Amare had the chance to speak with them about the princess. The envoys gifted Princess Snow White a few treasure which the Widor Royals held for generations, but they explained to the princess there was soon to be more fiery as soon as Crown Prince Isaiah returns after her coronation.

But after everything, the boy finally recovered from most of his injuries and Lord Hein gave the idea of a celebration inside the castle before the prince returns to Widor. Amare was a bit hesitant at first, but he could sense a bit of eagerness in Snow White's eyes and reluctantly agreed.

And here they were, the castle opened to everyone in Cethia. Amare didn't send any invites to just the nobles, but he decided to let them commoners come in and enjoy their time together. Not many of the upperclass citizens complained, for they figured this celebration was for everyone to enjoy seeing as how they were finally making peace with Widor.

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