Sleeping Beauty [2.15]

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   Aurora looked just like her mother and father. She looked more like their daughter, their only child, rather than Alleyn himself.

Because of that fact, Sien had slumped all the way down to the ground, sitting upright against a tree with a dark expression.

[Host?] Midas hesitantly called out to him. [My master? Are you alright-]

"I won't question you," Sien muttered out loud in a strange tone. It made Midas flinch. "I will never question you, my own savior who saved me from death itself. But what the hell have you put me in? These characters... why has this happened? Why are these fairytales even corrupted in the first place? I died to escape Snow White, and it seems like this story's lead character was nothing more than a farce. What's next?"

[M-Master...] Midas weakly replied. [I'm sorry...]

For the first time, the transmigrator didn't listen to his system. He was more focused on his own thoughts and questions that he didn't notice Midas starting to panic.

Why was Aurora here in this place? What happened fifteen years ago? Did the original Sien know about this at all? Surely, Queen Leynna would've known about her own child being switched as well as the king. Then wouldn't the three good faeries know about this? If they did, they surely wouldn't have kept Alleyn for so long and would've had Aurora instead.

Did that mean none of those faes knew about this? Does anyone at all know about Aurora's existence?

The transmigrator stopped and thought back to Queen Leynna and her personal maid.

She must have known.

There was no way she couldn't have known. All signs pointed to her knowing of her daughter's existence was right in front of Sien. All those times Giselle snuck off with those baskets full of goodies and jewels, they were always meant for Aurora and her temporary caretaker and not just because Queen Leynna was doting on her head maid.

But even if Queen Leynna knew about her, then what the hell was all of this? How come she went along with those faes about how her supposed child was hidden away from the world under their protection when she was right here all along?

Perhaps the transmigrator was thinking too hard since the possibility of her just protecting Aurora from Sien wasn't too far fetched. Still, was Queen Leynna that cold hearted to let a random boy, who pretended to be their son, risk his life to drive Sien away from the true royal?


Startled, Sien was almost pushed to the ground as he felt someone's arms wrap themselves around his body. He caught himself just in time, but he looked right up at Midas' worried expression and saw how anxious his system really was.

"I didn't k-know," Midas began to stutter. "Please, I really didn't know! I don't know everything that's been corrupted, b-but I also can't tell you why they're like this in the first place. I'm begging you, I would never try to lead you to danger on purpose just for my goals-"

"I'm fine," Sien interrupted with a sigh. "If you think I'm angry, I'm not. This just complicates things further for me so it's annoying to change plans when Aurora's birthday is coming close."

"Y-You aren't blaming me?"

"Why should I blame you over something you can't control? Besides, I was the one who swore to help you achieve whatever you wanted in exchange for a chance to live again. These sort of things shouldn't surprise me anymore." Sien got up and carefully helped Midas up to his feet as well. "You, my savior, are the one who took me out from the abyss itself. Even if I die a hundred times for you, it won't be enough to repay what you've done for me. I'm your partner and you're mine, there's no reason for me to get angry at you at all... it's not like I can ever anyways."

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