Snow White [1.20]

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Amare had no worries about being spied upon by Rowan, he no longer had the abilities to peer through anyone from the mirror anymore. But he still needed to be cautious since the man apparently got magic. He didn't know how powerful it was, but considering how long Rowan was stuck inside the mirror, he guessed the man was weak so he didn't have a lot of time.

Amare had snuck into his room after coming out from the basement, putting on a suitable pair of clothes and taking out a sword which was gifted from Lucius.

He stared at the weapon for a moment, remembering his time with the brunet. But then he turned away and sheathed it, he didn't have the time to reminisce.

He hurried out of the room and into the hallway, carefully avoiding any guards placed by Kain. The king's palace was also considered to be the most heavy guarded, but he guessed those two upgraded the security even more since he spotted several hunters outside, hiding amongst the shadows and watching over the courtyard with hawk eyes. Amare had to crouch to avoid their detection, and he almost messed it up when he about ran into a guard.

He needed to find the antidote for Snow White. Midas informed the blond it was kept in Rowan's bedchamber, sealed inside a box. Kain stationed several men there to watch over it, so Amare couldn't just sneak in to snatch it.

He knew where Rowan's bedchamber was, and he was residing in Snow White's old palace. But even if he knew the location of the antidote, it was practically on the other side of the whole place, and he didn't know just how long he could hide himself for.

But he snuck through the hallways, jumping over some walls and landed in the garden. This area was heavily watched, and he could sense another presence, but this was the fastest way for him to get across so he struggled to get through, maneuvering through the tall rose bushes and occasionally whistling to grab a random guard's attention.

By the time they arrive to figure out the strange noise, Amare had fled, quietly moving over to another spot once they were distracted.

It took him more time than he thought, but he finally made it over to the main area of the castle. He needed to cross a few more buildings before he could reach the antidote, though he had to stop and think for a moment. Amare couldn't win in a physical fight with that many guards, surely there was something else that could help him?

"Your Majesty?"

Startled, Amare turned around and gripped the handle of his sword to use it against the person, but he stopped when he found Lord Hein staring back at him. Count Wessley emerged from behind the man, quickly rushing over to check on the young king.

"Your Majesty, you're here? You're safe?" The count quickly checked over the male's body. "They said you were bedridden."

"Complete lies," Amare retorted scornfully. "I was kept locked up by that damned duke."

Lord Hein widened his eyes. "What? Then how are you here right now?"

Amare sighed, "I escaped, of course."

Count Wessley grasped the king's wrist and pulled him over. "My king, hurry and hide. We'll talk somewhere else."

After throwing on Lord Hein's coat over his shoulders and pulling the hood up, they silently ushered the king over to a random room. Then would've preferred going inside their offices, but more guards were stationed to watch over Lord Hein and Count Wessley, so the two of them hardly ever had the chance to meet up privately.

"Your Majesty, what has happened?" Lord Hein quickly asked as soon as they were hidden. "The count told me of what you've been doing for the past few years. This is a sign of rebellion isn't it?"

Ephemeral Elysian Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat