Sleeping Beauty [2.1]

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When Snow White woke up, she found herself in an unknown place.

Count Wessley and Lord Hein were there when she awoke, explaining to her what had happened. The girl could barely understand what was going on and tried to shove them away, rushing to the door to track down where her uncle went.

But then Madam Blanche and the crown prince came, surprising the young princess. And then everything became clear to her the moment Crown Prince Isaiah explained to her what happened with King Amare.

The king had died, taking Grand Duke Kain and Rowan down with him in order to stall for some more time for Crown Prince Isaiah to flee with Snow White. The madam's husband secretly took the group out of Cethia with the cover of going to another business trip. And so they arrived safely in Widor, hiding Snow White away.

The girl broke down after trying to reel it all in for a few days.

And so finally, the truth was out. With Count Wessley helping her cope, she figured out the reason as to how the Evil Queen snatched the seat next to her father, how Amare became the prince and how he was soon crowned as king.

For a while, Snow White stayed hidden inside of Widor, being taken care of the royal family with the crown prince standing at her side. But when she left to go back to Cethia, Lord Hein stood with her, immediately ceasing all the nobles who turned corrupt while the princess swiftly gained the throne as hers.

Though it was too early, she needed to become queen when she turned sixteen. But with Amare dead, she was given no choice.

She immediately went for the marquess, taking him in and didn't hesitate to behead him as an act of treason. Marquess Belieas didn't put up a fight, seeing as how his only family member died with the king. He was regretful he never managed to make Kain's obsession with Amare leave, but he always had a feeling this would be the outcome after the end of everything.

And so he let himself die, but not without pleading the newly crowned queen to look over a small, white fox. A fox which had been taken in by Amare, but had been gifted to Kain.

Snow White didn't want it all. Anything related to the late grand duke twisted her stomach into knots and made her furious—but oh... it was the last thing which also reminded her of her dear uncle. So she reluctantly accepted the man's request, and right after he died, Snow White became the new owner of the white fox.

Intelligent and agile, the fox immediately noticed the hint of scorn in the girl's eyes and knew not to anger her. But with time, Snow White grew more tired than angry at the creature.

She just couldn't understand why Amare would leave like that. There was a small part of her which had hatred for her uncle, that he shouldn't have left her alone to the vultures of the castle, to rule this country alone. There could've been other possibilities for him to come out alive, to still stand with her. But now she sat alone in the throne, swarmed by dozens of ministers who ached to get their hands on her crown, wanting to make her a small puppet for their own greed.

Madam Blanche came as a loyal advisor, the very first woman to ever step inside the inner court by Snow White's command. There was a lot of contempt, many ridicule aimed toward the woman, but Snow White forcefully overpowered the man just like Amare had done so long ago.

And so she ruled Cethia with a hardened heart and a bit of hatred, though she never took it upon the country. She was described exactly like the original tale; kind to the commoners, helped the people, defended her country in times of need—and she married the crown prince of Widor.

Crown Prince Isaiah and Queen Snow White's wedding was a magical event for those who attended. When they got married, the anger and the hurt lessened a little with the man's help. Though she still couldn't cope with her uncle gone... but it made her husband all the more helpful, slowly taking in the small and empty space in her heart.

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