Snow White [1.6]

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Midas took notice of the king's irritation.

As the system filled his hands with riches given to him by Amare, he had to stop looking around the chest for a moment and glimpsed at the blond, who kept pacing around his bedchambers.

Midas knew the reason. Amare was at a loss on what to do with Earl Decarli's corpse. The transmigrator had planned on using him alive to extract any useful information on the late queen, they might've gained a clue to how she was led to her death. But since the huntsman executed him, Amare grew disheartened.

"Master, come sit with me," said Midas. The system reached out his arms toward the sovereign, who finally stopped walking around the room in circles.

Reluctantly, Amare walked right up to the grinning albino. Midas threw a gold coin back into the chest and set it aside, gently grasping on the ruler's hands before pulling him down on the bed. Midas nestled against Amare's body, settling in nicely underneath him with warm eyes.

"You must be tired. Why not sleep with me?"

"I need to get Count Wessley on my side," Amare replied curtly. "He may know... what happened to the queen."

Midas' smile faltered. He watched the male keenly, observing how his eyebrows scrunched together as he mumbled, contemplating on how to invite the count over to discuss a few things with him.

The system pouted. "Why not use me? I can help, but you told me to just stay put. Master, I can be of service."

"For a price?"

"Of course not." The system pulled himself closer to the blond, rubbing his cheek affectionately against Amare's neck. "I'm here to help you, having to be paid to do so isn't my aesthetic."

Amare lowered himself on the albino' as body. He gently pushed the boy down on the large bed before laying his head on top of Midas' chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

"I figured you'd... take that as an opportunity to ask for more... but I didn't know what else to give you," Amare quietly confessed, almost embarrassed. "I planned on taking—ahem, retrieving back some of Earl Decarli's goods he embezzled... but they weren't so valuable as the things down in the basement."

That was why he hardly ever asked for his system's help?

Immediately, the system threw his head back and laughed mirthfully. His hands softly tugged a few of the blond's luscious locks before sliding down to capture Amare's face, craning his head up to look at the system's silver orbs.

Midas pleasantly hummed, "As much as I love the idea of you indulging me with the best of things, being greedy isn't my only purpose here. Don't do things on your own just because you think I won't help you out. I admit, I lust for materialistic things, but you are far more important to me."

The system traced his fingers down the blond's arm, reaching out to hold his hands and lacing their fingers together. Midas happily leaned forward, letting their heads touch as a small crimson color spread throughout the king's cheeks. When he saw the male become flustered, Midas had to laugh even more in delight, finding his host really cute.

"I chose you... only you to be linked with me. Our souls are tied together, woven by fate itself. I hold you as the most precious thing I have, and I will serve you wholeheartedly until the end of our contract," Midas softly declared. "My feelings for you don't revolve only around our deal, but because you are my dear host, the person who I trust and care for the most. Do you understand now?"

Amare rigidly nodded, not knowing what to say. To be honest, ever since he transmigrated into this story, he always wondered what Midas thought of him. He knew his system loved toying around with him, and taking things he shouldn't take, and Midas didn't hesitant to speak out his opinions, no matter how bold they were. But through it all, Amare figured they were only partners, so he didn't dare to overstep his boundaries and think of them as friends. His system said it himself, Midas needed the transmigrator, but only because he was looking for something through these stories and never said what their relationship was to each other.

Ephemeral Elysian Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora