Snow White [1.10]

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After leaving Kain's residence, Amare didn't give him another glance before hopping on the carriage and heading back to the castle. During his ride, his heart couldn't stop hammering viciously, as if he went through some sort of battle with an animal. Amare recalled seeing the huntsman's cold face and nodded to himself, caught up on the idea of Kain being the equivalent of a predator. He was truly afraid of seeing him after kicking him two times, so Amare decided this was the best way to flee.

But as soon as he got back, he was immediately cornered by Hein and was scolded severely before the older man placed his hands on the king's shoulders, asking him if he was hurt anywhere. After Amare shook his head, that's when Hein began to berate him, saying how he shouldn't have chased after the thief.

Hein was in disbelief in the report that Amare could actually walk properly without tripping in exhaustion, let alone even run! He almost had a heart attack when he learned Amare was hurt. Hein desperately wanted to beat the thief up, but since Kain already took care of it, he turned his anger toward Amare and lectured him just to stay put and not run into danger if he ever went outside again.

He even told Amare to look for another guard, someone who could even hold their ground against Kain! Hein was especially specific with the guard, and since Lord Kain is always busy with his own fief, he wanted Amare to be shielded with the best protection.

Amare sighed. How can he find someone like Lord Kain? He wanted to argue, but Hein quickly shut him up, refusing to back down from this discussion.

Although the older man wanted to scold the young king even more, Count Wessley came in the room, startled at the scene. He felt like he walked into something he shouldn't have seen and immediately turned around, not daring to speak. Unfortunately, Hein saw the count and smiled deviously before forgetting about Amare. The man walked all the way over to the count and quickly snatched his collar, speaking with a bit of a happy tone.

"There you are! Since I'm a bit busy taking care of His Majesty, why don't you take over some paperwork for today, hmm? I've already sent out several stacks for you to fill out, I really appreciate you helping!"

Count Wessley shook his head. "Please don't! I just finished my portion! I haven't slept in two days, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning, and I'm forgetting what water tastes like-"

"I'm glad you understand, partner!" Hein cackled and shoved Count Wessley out the door, ignoring his look of protests and pleading. Amare felt a cold shiver up his spine and wanted to intervene, but Hein wouldn't allow it and sent a sharp glare to the blond.

The count wanted to cry. This wasn't what he signed up for, not at all! No matter where he went, Hein would always pop out and drag him into his office, locking the both of them inside for hours to finish paperwork. He couldn't live like this!

But even Amare was powerless against Hein. He was too afraid of what would happen if he disobeyed the man, so he pitifully waved goodbye to Count Wessley away as the man reached out to the king in silent pleadings. And then he disappeared with Hein, never to be seen for a while.

After that, Amare settled down in a peaceful state with the castle. For months, he continued to effortlessly improve their kingdom's conditions and was able to win a large portion of Cethia's adoration. The commoners were relieved to find a reliable king they could depend on, and they gradually forgot about the wicked queen's ways. The nobles were also the same, their businesses ran better and had no problem with how Amare dealt with things, though they were always on edge seeing as how the blond was still a wildcard. There were days when Amare would be passive, and there were other days when he would viciously tear apart a noble, no matter their status. The inner court had changed and they forced themselves to go along with them, especially when Lord Kain backed the king.

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