Little Red Riding Hood [3.7]

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"How is it, Salem? Is everything to your liking?"

Salem doesn't respond, only tilting his head up to face the Stalin family with his cheeks all puffed up due to shoving copious amounts of food. He doesn't pay much attention to him since he's too busy trying to gouge down the delicious food, but he does spare a glance at his... what was he? Lover?

No, he plans on killing Dominic if needed be. A partner with benefits? It's not like he slept with him or anything.

All he notices is a fond look shadowing Dominic's features as he watches Salem fill his mouth up with another piece of chicken.

Salem has table manners, he does, but after living in a small area with barely enough food to last a whole week, this whole thing might as well be paradise to him.

He thinks he hasn't lived up to his full potential when he was King Amare. At least he ate good back in the first fairy tale. Now, he's lucky to get a piece of bread from Miss Karina.

"You should take more. It must've been a while since you last had a full stomach," Castor says from the other end of the table, eyes drawn to the cutlery he's using.

Salem feels his appetite slipping a little when he watches Castor carefully cut into the piece of meat, having equal proportions before taking them up to his mouth for a bite. He glanced at Salem, causing the hunter to immediately put his gaze back down.

As always, he's uncomfortable around Castor. At least with Dominic, he had a bit of control over the man. As for his brother, he's nothing but a wild card that Salem is hesitant to even get close to.  He's still wondering how he should take care of him. Either leaving him alone and see the consequences of doing so or kill him and see the consequences his actions will bring.

Either way, he's fucked.

And it seems like Castor knows that, too. He's got nothing more confidence rolling off in waves and a certain smugness that Salem wants to wrap his hands around his throat for.

"You've healed quite nicely," Lord Ezra comments. "Any pain? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine. I plan on heading back out anyways."

"In your state?"

"I heal fast."

Lord Ezra presses his lips together, worry evident on his face. "Yes, well... I know I can't stop you from doing what you need to do, but at least take someone with you. Like Dominic. The two of you are quite stuck to each other's hips. He'll watch your back, won't you, Dominic?"

Dominic says nothing, but he does answer with a subtle nod while discreetly eyeing Salem. Salem had to hold in a retort, knowing full well that Dominic does more than just watch him every time they're together.

After dinner, Lord Ezra and Miss Karina excused themselves from the group, wanting to go into town together to inspect her bakery, leaving the three men behind at the estate. Salem also had plans to go with them, not really comfortable letting Miss Karina wander off when it's just so cold outside, but he sees Dominic leaning against a wall from the corner of his eye.

Dominic's just standing there nonchalantly, arms crossed and eyes directly on Salem. It makes the hunter stop and stare back. He gets the feeling Dominic wants him to stay behind.

Well, it's a good thing Miss Karina is with Lord Ezra. She's not completely alone.

As for Salem, he's alone with Dominic. And the two of them have snuck off into a private area of the house, already putting hands on each other without much restraint.

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