Start from the beginning

There they are. Those eyes. They've gotten Ned into so much trouble in the past, but he caves for them every time. He can't help it. Not when Peter is looking at Ned like he's the only thing standing in between Peter and what he wants.
"...Okay," Ned says softly.
"Just... Swear it, okay?"
Ned signs over his soul. "I swear."
"Thank you."

"I can't believe this is happening right now," Peter says, hands in his hair. The shock for Ned just wore off and he was now worried for Peter's safety, Spiderman was responsible to complete so many dangerous tasks and Ned didn't want to lose Peter.

"Hey Peter," Ned's voice calls out in a soft and weary tone. Peter just shifts his eyes over to Ned. "I'm worried about you, I don't want you to get hurt or....die, I-I really don't want to lose you." Ned's eyes were full of doubt and his words were laced with his crippling anxieties about loss. Peter's face fell from an angry one to one that wore guilt, What if he did die, How would that affect the others around him?

"Ned, I won't let that happen ok." Peter put his arm on Ned's shoulder and giving a weak smile. Ned sighed and still gave a sad look to Peter.

"Peter I trust you but...this is not just something I can just shrug off. You get shot and beaten by criminals that kill people like you and I-I can't live with myself knowing that...that I could have pre-" Ned's heartfelt words were cut off by Peter's lips crashing into his own. Ned eyes went wide at the action and was shaking nervously, Peter desperately wanted to deepen the kiss but instead cupped Ned's cheek and wrapped his remaining hand around his waist, which made Ned tense up slightly. Ned then moved more into the kiss causing Peter to take in a sharp breath of air. Both of their stomachs are filled with butterflies that was moving around like fighter jets. Ned dropped his body onto the bed still holding on to Peter's lips, Ned pulled Peter ontop of him forcing Peter to pin him down.

Peter blushed slightly at the new position and the nervous boy under him but kissed Ned roughly and carelessly. Ned moved his hands down Peter's bare back which caused Peter to knot his fingers into Ned's hair pulling him even closer into the kiss. The kisses turned more aggressive and desperate, Peter moved to Ned's neck which caused Ned's eyes to roll to the back of head and his chest to puff up with air. Ned moved his hand down Peter's stomach which caused a low sound surface from the back of his throat.

BAM!! The door swung open and busted into the wall causing Peter to fall off the bed onto the pile of broken legos making Peter scream in pain.

"AHHHHH I KNEW IT!!! PETER BENJAMIN PARKER, CLOTHES NOW!!!" May screamed as Ned violently blushed, as Peter desperately tried to make an excuse for what Aunt May just witnessed. Aunt May didn't believe one word and she told them that the Pasta was ready. Peter and Ned got changed and made there way to the small dining table.

They ate in a thick and awkward layer of silence until May decided to break the ice.

"Look I know you're teens and your hormones are all messed up-"

"Ew May please don't." Peter said covering his ears embarrassment.

"Well Peter I wasn't the one making out with Ned just now was I." May said with her eyebrows raised and her lips pursed. Peter just froze at the words and blushed as Ned snorted at the comment.

"So as I was saying, I so glad you two are finally together because I've been your number one fan but you guys are taking this a little two fast, Ok. You guys gotta take things slow, Promise?" May's words were so kind, she took this all really well.

"Promise!" Ned and Peter replied together with smiles. Peter pecked Ned's cheek and wrapped an arm around him pulling Ned in for a hug. May went into the kitchen to let them sort some things out.

"So uh what... what happened back there?" Ned asked with a small chuckle.

"Actions speak louder than words and well I love you, so much. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to stay safe for you and May but I wanted to make sure I would be staying safe for not just my bestfriend but my boyfriend." Peter blushed at the end sentence knowing how chessy it sounded but Ned ate it all up.

"Peter that's incredibly thoughtful, I love you too." Ned kissed Peter, which this kiss unlike the others was sweet and gentle.

"Sorry about the Death Star, I know that probably took hours." Peter eyes now were filled with guilt. Ned just smiled and chuckled a little.

"No worries, but building The Lego Death Star together sounds like an amazing first date."

Sorry I haven't updated in a while it's been a few crazy weeks! So this one-shot was based off a story I just read and I can't remember the name sooooo ×_×
But I was watching a moive and the credits an extra was named Ned Parker and I just "eeeeeeee" at the TV while my family watched me in pure horror. I just had a Marvel Marathon and real jesus tears left my system, I want to see Black Widow sooooo bad, I need my serotonin! Ok well hope you're life is going ok,


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