I didn't give you permission

Start from the beginning

"Who gives you permission. "
"Who gives you permission to try and lay a hand on my daughter?"
"Wha-? Hey! I'm just trying to he-!"
"Because I didn't give you permission."

Mihkael narrows his eyes and looked like a furious lion ready to pounce if the wrong things are said.

The situation turned for the worst, the holy knights all stand while Azrael stands while grabbing his sword and ready to pull it out. Uriel and Gabriel tries to calm everyone and Raphael wasn't around to ease the situation either, he went to check on the other food that was being brought out.

Before an all out brawl can occur, the angry scream of a child was heard.
"Enouph!! I'm. Hungry!!! If yu donth stoph, I'llth beath yu allth myself!!"

Sakura started to bang the table in frustration and looked to be in the verge of tears. Her eyes seem to darken and the air around her seem to change. Caspian notices the changes.

'The air... it seems to have darken around her? As if the light was sucked away.'
Mihkael feels the same and glances at his friends and Uriel quickly stands and places her on the chair, making sure she is in place and brings the food toward her.

Seeing the food in front of her at last, her anger flew away and she happily reached out to eat, only for the food to spill from the spoon just inches away from reaching her mouth, while grumbling in frustration, she goes for it again only to fail a few more times.

"Aahhhrgh!!" Her temper was now running on a thin line. Before she can throw the spoon in anger, Uriel grabs the spoon and starts to feed her spoonful of food. The others watch this scene and decide to just sit down and eat too.
Mihkael watches Uriel feed her.

"Uriel, hand me the spoon, I'll feed her."
"Are you sure? I don't mind feeding her."
"No. I'll do the rest, you should sit down and eat."
Mihkael gently gets the spoon and shoos Uriel to his seat.

Raphael shows up at this scene and just notes how quite and well behaved everyone is. He watches on how Mihkael feeds Sakura and turns in question.

"Mih-cough! I mean, emperor."
"Why are you feeding her? I left her spoon in the side over there." Raphael points at the spot only to see it empty. He turns to the floor and sees the spoon laying there. Wondering how it got there, he felt burning gazes from his surrounding.

Looking back up, he sees everyone in the table looking up at him and quietly shake their heads, as if to tell him not to speak out the spoons location. His mouth was open to ask why it was in the floor, but shut tight from the stares.

Sakura's attention was fully on the food and she didn't notice their interactions.
While being fed, Sakura was able to finally come to sense.

'Wow. I really lost my cool, no. Rather than that, I wasn't even thinking.' While eating another spoonful, her brows furrowed and her thoughts grew.

'I wasn't thinking like an adult, but as a child. My actions and tantrums was really a kid who was hungry. Is my mind regressing?'.

Worried about her mind regressing to match her body, she starts to wonder if her memories of the game will disappear too.
'I can't let that happen! Those memories will keep me alive in this new world, and I don't want to go through the bad endings. I promised to live a free and long life.'

While finishing the last spoonful of food. Sakura turns to her father, he looks at her and gently smiles to her.
"Papa, you. Eat. I'm done."
"You sure?"
"Mhm" she nods and wipes her hands in a cloth. Raphael places a plate with a strawberry cheesecake on it, with some strawberrie jelly drizzled a bit on top of it.

"Dessert!!" Sakura claps her hands in joy and grabs the small spoon, but before she can take a piece, she glances at Raphael and the spoon. Comprehending what she was indicating he can only tell her a small lie.

"I forgot to bring it last time."
"Oh~ ok." And with that, she started to take bites of her cheesecake. The dinner ended in a calm tone, and the holy knights left with no incident.

"I hope to see her highness in the celebration, goodbye my holy child." Caspian gently waves a goodbye to Sakura, and she does a small wave back while being carried by Mihkael.

'I can't keep acting like a child, I have to be rational and mature, even when I dislike this man, especially when I just recalled the game Sakura suffering because of this bastards.'

While watching the knights huddle together to say a thing or two goodbye to the rest, they then walk a few feet away and use a one way stone back to the religious country they are from.

'This may be the first time I ever witness magic being used, let's see how its done.' Anticipating the use of magic stones being injected with magic, she observes the air around them change to a dark gray.

The stone glowing a dark shine and letting out a round force field of some type around the knights, then a few moments later, it dissapeared with them.

Widening her eyes in wonder. She felt for the first time that she really, truly is living in a fantasy world of magic and adventure. After the knights left, Uriel and Azrael left for home and waved goodbye to them.

'Man! I can't wait when I train in magic and go around traveling.'
"Well your highness, it's time to bathe."

Her body stiffens and she quickly shakes her head no, clinging to her father so she won't experience the shame of  being bathed by another human being.

"She doesn't seen to want to."
"So? This is for her own good, she needs to take a bath so no dirt can stick to her anymore that it already has."
"Noo~ no wanna!"

Not caring that a moment ago she said she'll begin acting mature, she hugs Mihkael and clings tightly and won't let go.

Witnessing this, Raphael has a moment of eureka.

"Ah-ha! Mihkael, I believe she wants to go and bathe with you, that must be why she is clinging to you."
"You think?"
"Of course! She never disliked bathtime and always went when said, but now when she finally got close to you, she must be wanting to spend more time with you and bathe together. Let me get the water ready."

Before she can stop him, he already walked away, getting the tub ready for them both.

'Fuck! I feel like I just dug a deeper grave for myself!"
Sakura can only stare in  dumbfoundedness and cannot believe she just made it even more embarrassing.

"Well looks like we'll end up bathing together, are you happy Sakura?"
Mihkael smile down at Sakura and didn't think much about sharing the tub with her.

After all, she is a child, his child so he didn't worry about anything, the total opposite of what Sakura would want.
While Sakura just ends up dying little by little from the thought of bathing with this man, this walking god.
'I should have accepted being bathed.'

A/N: well that's about it, I ended up getting writers block big time, and got sleepy even more quicker than usual. But hope you guy's like it. Till the  next one.

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