Chapter 17

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I stare ahead focusing on the greenery surrounding the large rectangular crystal blue swimming pool. The wall right at the back where my focus is pinned on is covered from top to bottom in lush light green leaves. Here and there the light brown wall catches my eye, peeking through the small gaps in the creeper plant.

The sound of Gabby's cheerful screams fills the air willing my attention to focus on her, but then the reason for my diverted gaze begins to laugh, the melodious laughter pulls my gaze to lock on him.

The water glistens on his smooth tanned skin, my eyes travel down to his toned abdomen, I watch as the muscles harden and stand out more with everything movement he makes while laughing.

I force myself to look away when I feel the heat slowly making its way to my face, and other parts of my body...

Christian splashes Gabby in the face with water, she yells out to him, a mischievous smile lighting up her face, the sparkle that I've missed seeing so much shines in her eyes. It doesn't show so much around me.

Gabby holds the blue and yellow water gun behind her back struggling to keep it hidden, Christian squints his eyes at her, carefully moving towards Gabby. His eyes crinkle on the sides adorably as his lips stretch into a grin, my eyes move on their own accord to his defined, sculpted chest. The droplets of water slowly running down his pecs.

Oh, how I wish I could be that water...

The familiar heat returns, and it's not to my face...

"Here's your lemon water," I take a moment to thank my lucky stars for the dark shades I decided to wear.

Ava plops down on the black lounger next to mine, placing the tall glass of water with ice cubes and slices of lemon on the black metal table separating the loungers.

"Thank you. If you wanna join them, you can."

"Nope," she says popping the P, "I want to relax in the sun with you," Ava lies down groaning while she moves around, struggling to get comfortable, adjusting her navy-blue bikini top.

We relax in silence watching Christian and Gabby splash around in the pool together. I try to focus on everything else except his body, but my eyes and brain betray me.

"He has a way with her, doesn't he?" Ava pulls me out of my lustful staring, I try to clear my not-so-pure thoughts before answering, if only it were that easy.

"He sure does."

"Chris was always the more playful and sensitive one out of us three. Michael was the serious, overprotective type, always looking out for us." Ava smiles fondly.

I don't know what comes over me, but the words start pouring out of my mouth.

"I used to be like that with all three of my sisters. Melanie used to be the quirky, ridiculous one, she was always doing something that made our bellies ache from the laughter. Her twin Melissa was so inquisitive, always asking questions, she wanted to know the why's, how's and what ifs." I smile sadly at the memories flashing through my mind.

"Gabby is still the same though, she's full of life always seeing the brighter side to things, always seeing the good in people. Me though when it comes to Gabby, I'll do everything to protect her, to keep her happy." I pause when I feel Ava placing her hand on mine smiling encouragingly.

I wipe the lone tear away that managed to escape, when I look at Ava I notice the lack of pity in her eyes and I've never felt so grateful.

"I used to be like Gabby, but after Mikey it all changed, we all changed in some way." I nod in agreement, baffled by the fact that I shared details about my past with her.

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