Chapter 10

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I look down at Gabby, trying desperately to get my attention, "What is it Gabby?" My voice sounding defeated, I clear my throat hoping Christian and Gabby didn't notice, I look up from her to Christian, his amber eyes studying my face, head slightly cocked to the left and his eyebrows slightly scrunched up.

"Lo, this is Ava-Leigh," Gabby whispers softly, I follow the direction she's pointing in, a girl about 5"5' with light brown hair and almond shaped sapphire blue eyes stares back at me with a radiant smile showing off her pearly whites.

"Hi! I heard so much about you, I'm so excited to finally meet you!" She walks towards me and wraps her arms around me while I stand there awkwardly with my arms by my side, Ava-Leigh steps back, a shy smile on her perfect cupid bow lips, a faint blush covering her cheeks.

"It feels as if I know you already, Chris has told me so much about you and by the confused look on your face," she glares at Christian for a moment before looking back at me with a smile, "this douche brother of mine hasn't mentioned me at all," She smacks him on the arm and focuses her attention back on me.

"You're brother and sister?"

"Hard to believe, I know! I'm the awesome one of course!" A smile on her lips, I can't help but notice something familiar about the way she smiles, almost like the same smile I see when I spot myself in the mirror with a somewhat smile on my face, placed there for Gabby's benefit.

"Ava is the baby in the family," Christian ruffles her hair as she scowls at him, "Are you the oldest then?" I direct my question to Christian, I see Ava grimace, like my question physically hurt her.

"Uh, no, I'm the middle child," He looks over at Ava and smiles sadly at her, "our older brother Mikey, died a couple years ago in an accident, it's just us now and our parents," a smile graces his lips, I wonder how he does that? Talk about his brother that died and still smiles so beautifully?

Wait just a fucking minute...

When did his smile become beautiful?

When did I start ignoring my promise to the one person that meant so much to me?

When did I start forgetting about Landon?

"Lo, can I go swimming with Chris?" I look down at the answer to my internal battle, the answer to the questions playing on a continuous loop in my mind, Gabby is the reason, since the moment she accepted him, that's the moment I started noticing...

"Logan!" Gabby whines tugging on my hand, "uh... yeah, sure you guys go ahead," Gabby releases my hand and immediately grabs Christian's hand, a bright sparkle in her eyes that could outshine the brightest star.

"You're not coming?"

"No, you guys go ahead, I'm gonna stay here and chill," my lips forming into their usual fake smile, I make myself comfortable on the blue and white beach chairs, "I'll stay here as well," Ava declares getting comfortable next to me.

I watch their retreating backs, hearing the giggles erupting from Gabby, Christian stops walking, bends down to Gabby's height, says something to her, she nods her head fast causing her ponytail to loosen, Christian begins jogging towards us, pulling his white shirt over his head, revealing the muscles hidden beneath the fabric, he has just the right amount of muscle, in the right places, I avert my gaze, putting my sunglasses on when he looks up at me and smiles.

"He has a thing for you," I hear Ava whisper, "what are you talking about?" She smirks at me and shrugs nonchalantly, "you'll find out eventually, I can tell we are going to be great friends," Ava chuckles, I can't help but wonder how Christian and Ava-Leigh manage to laugh so freely, like a part of their family hasn't been ripped so suddenly from them, so unexpectedly.

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