Chapter 1

843 50 187

07 June 2015

As all the students make their way up the steps of the stage to take their seats, chatting excitedly while we're all waiting for the principal of Oakland High School to begin with the graduation ceremony, I take in the thick, maroon curtains, with gold swirls at the bottom hanging all around the stage, closing us off from the audience, my shoes squeak against the black high gloss reflective surface of the stage.

I adjust my long, black graduation gown as I prepare to take my seat, my eyes scan the area looking for the most electrifying blue eyes I have ever seen, when they finally land on him running up the steps in his matching outfit and a beaming smile on his gorgeous face which I'm sure matches my own, I wave him over.

He runs a hand through his blond hair while walking over to me. I love the moments where we get to sit alphabetically, whether it be in class or during a gathering in the hall for the students, then I get to sit next to my one and only.

"Lo?" A sweet voice says to the left of me.

"Yes Kris?" I turn to look at my best friend Kristy with her sparkling brown eyes and her wavy chestnut brown hair. Her features are soft with her small nose, her bottom lip is slightly thicker than her top and her beautiful round face.

"Logan," she nudges me in the side with her sharp elbow.

"Ouch! What's gotten into you, Kristy?" I rub the spot where she practically stabbed me, okay I'm exaggerating, but have you ever been nudged by your friend or your sister with extremely sharp elbows? Well, it's quite sore.

A small smile begins to form on her lips, "I can't believe we're finally graduating, and we'll never have to see this place again," her small smile stretches into a face-splitting smile, I can't help but smile back, feeling the happiness surrounding us like a thick warm blanket on a cold winter's night.

I have known Kristy Stevens since we were seven, we weren't best friends the moment we met by the way, the complete opposite, I pulled her hair because she stole my pencil, as simple as that. The school phoned our parents and devised a plan to get us to "bond" it worked, we ended up getting along, and we've been inseparable since then.

"Sorry to interrupt ladies, but you forgot these." Landon holds out two black graduation caps with a maroon tassel.

"Thanks Lan." I smile at him as he takes his seat while I struggle to put my cap on.

"Here, let me." Landon fixes my graduation cap and places a quick peck on my full lips as he grabs my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

I met Landon Smith in the beginning of high school, what caught my attention about him, is his blue eyes, he is about 6'0' with a square jawline, and let's just say the muscles were there already back then, it was a work in progress, but now, they are mouth-watering, after joining the football team in the beginning of his high school career, it's expected.

We started dating two years ago once we finally realized we had feelings for each other, and we are still going strong.

A loud ear piercing noise erupts on the opposite side of the curtain along with grunts from the audience, I grimace as the noise continues, it's like nails being scratched against a black board, and I have always despised that sound, this, this is just worse.

A few seconds later and the noise stops, relieved sighs fill the air from my peers, and the curtains begin to open.

"Sorry about that folks, technical difficulty." Mr. West, the school principal chuckles nervously over the microphone.

I zone out as Mr. West begins talking, I begin thinking of all the good and of course the bad years in this high school.


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