Chapter 23

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Thank you for making this easy for me.
Who knew you'd go and smile so easily and so carefree?

With this letter I bring wonderful news!

I'll be giving you six clues to figure out who I am.
By the time you reach SIX and you haven't figured it out, don't fret!

You will find out in person... I'm so excited!

This will be your first cLue...

Look outside your bedroom window!

I stay rooted to the spot staring at my window trying to see through the gaps in the half-closed blinds. Something is stuck to my window right in the middle. I force my shaky legs forward, opening the blinds I see the most beautiful white rose.

How the fuck is that a clue?

A white fuckling rose, seriously.

I go outside to remove the rose and, on the tape holding it up against the window is small words written on it.

'I used to give this to you'

What the fuck.

I can list a few people that have given me white roses before.

For starters Landon, but it couldn't possibly be him.

Kristy and I used to give each other white roses all the time to symbolize the purity of our friendship, but we haven't seen each other for four years, when I saw her last night, she didn't seem to hold any resentment towards me, I mean fuck, she wants to catch up.

My parents, well for obvious reasons.

Samuel used to give me white roses, but we ended our relationship on good terms, turns out he didn't really like me either. We started dating for the same reason because we thought we liked each other and we continued dating for the same reasons, too.

I know there's one more person, but I just can't seem to remember who it was.

Think Logan, think!

I wrack my brain late into the night and a single thought occurs to me at 03:00 am when my eyes begin to close from exhaustion, and I drift off to sleep; what if I don't know this person at all?

The tinted windows almost appear black with white frames surrounding them, the darkness intimidates me the closer I get to the double doors. The smooth, neat paving leading up to the door seems longer than necessary, the green plants on either side of me is doing nothing to ease my nerves.

As I step through the double doors the cool air hits my clammy skin causing a chill to run throughout my entire body.

I shouldn't be here.

I shouldn't be doing this; this is fucking insane. What the fuck was I thinking.

"Excuse me ma'am, can I help you?"

I look up into a young man's kind emerald green eyes sparkling under the bright lights. The light blue fitted shirt sits perfectly on his well-built 6'5 frame. He doesn't look much older than me, maybe a few years give or take.

"No, sorry." I move away from the large dark wooden desk separating us, rushing towards the same doors that not even a few moments ago intimidated me, but now welcomes me to exit.

I hastily pull the door open when I feel a hand on my shoulder stopping me in my tracks.

"Ma'am please, let me help you."

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