Chapter 16

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After an eventful day taking Gabby shopping, spoiling her with a new complete outfit and ice cream, this time round it was not entirely pink.

I usually allow her to pick out her clothes finding her own sense of style, she chose out a cute pair of black skinny jeans with a red rose made out of rhinestones on the one pant leg, a pair of sparkly dark pink open toe shoes and to match the shoes a dark pink tee with gold words written on it.

Love the life that you live

Very inspiring if I say so, myself. We finally arrive home when the sun is beginning to set.

"Thank you," Gabby wraps her arms around me, "anything for you Gabs," I say returning her hug.

An incessant buzzing interrupts our moment, I search my room for my phone knowing someone is trying to call me, every time when I'm close to where I think it is, it stops.

I sit on my bed, giving up my search when the buzzing comes again only louder this time, I decided to look in the one place I haven't searched.

I get down on my knees lifting my frilled fitted valance sheet looking under my very own personal Bermuda triangle.

"Fuck, finally!"

The fucking phone somehow managed to land up under my bed, I bump the old-tattered dusty shoe box filled with threatening letters that it's peeking out from under the bed, I pay no mind to it, reaching for my buzzing phone.

Unknown Caller is displayed across my screen, deciding against ignoring it I lift the phone to my ear.


"Finally! I've been calling for an hour already."

"Who is this?"

"Ouch, my feelings are hurt Logan."


"Yeah, who else would it be?" He chuckles, and I just love the sound of his laugh.

"How'd you get my number?" I never gave it to him that's for sure.

"Don't be mad, but I asked Gabby for it, she was so excited she texted it to me immediately."

I'm relieved Gabs sent him my number, I certainly didn't have the guts to ask him for his, I didn't have the guts to give him mine either.

"I'm not mad, so what's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me this Friday? I know it's wrong to ask over the phone, but I'm too nervous to ask you in person." I can hear the shyness in his voice, and I applaud him for his honesty about being nervous, it's something I can relate to.

Should I go? That's another huge leap for me, I just took a huge leap, shouldn't there be a gap between taking big steps?

Am I ready to go out on a date?

I mean it's been so long since I've been out on a date, the last guy I went on a date with is... Landon.

"You still there Lo?"

"Yeah, I'm still here."

"Do you not want to go? Shit, forget I asked, I'm-"

I decide to interrupt him, "no, no, it's not that, it's just I made plans to spend time with Gabs."

"Oh, that's not a problem, you can bring her along, Ava will come, too. She can watch Gabby while we go our separate way if that's okay?"

"You thought of everything, didn't you?" I laugh quietly, impressed that he chose to include Gabby.

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