Chapter 7

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Marinette, Adrien and Hailey stood in front of the new orphan, Erica's room door.

Marinette was having a plate full of treats in her hands.

"Before you go inside let me warn you again. She is a very delicate case, she is in a kind of trauma and gets scared very easily so please be careful with her" Hailey informed her.

"I will be, surely" Marinette said and before opening the door, she gently knocked on it while Hailey and Adrien stood at the door.

They saw the little girl sitting on her bed with knees hugging her chest and her face buried in her folded hands which were kept on her knees. Room lights were turned off and the moonlight was the only source of light coming from a small window.

Marinette took a deep breath and with a slow sweet gentle voice she said "Hello".

On hearing Marinette's voice, Erica jumped a little but the scared expression didn't leave her face.

"umm... I had something for you. Hailey told me that there is a new sweet girl so I wanted to meet you" Marinette said as sweetly as she can while gesturing towards the plate.

"May I come near you?" she asked the little scared girl.

Erica took her time to answer and slowly nodded.

Marinette slowly walked to her and sat on the edge of the bed maintaining a distance for Erica to be comfortable.

"Let's see what we have here" Marinette said while keeping the plate on the bed and naming all the treats while pointing out with her finger "we have macaroons, pastry, chocolate, and ahh... croissant. Let me tell you a secret, I just had only one croissant and I couldn't have given it to all the girls, so I decided that I will give this croissant to the most cutest girl here and I think I found her" she gestured towards Erica.

Erica all the time just watched her with a plain expression. Her face does turn from scared to plain but there was no more luck than that.

Erica again went to sit in the same position in which she was sitting previously when Marinette entered the room, ignoring the plate of treats.

Marinette sighed sadly and walked back to Adrien and Hailey.

"This is not working, Erica really needs to eat. She has eaten really very less since the time she came here. If this continued then she is going to become really sick" Hailey said.

"I tried Hailey but it didn't work, I am sorry" Marinette said.

They were in a few minutes of silence until Adrien said "maybe I can try?"

"You can?" Hailey asked with a little hope.

"Wa-wait, please give us a minute" Marinette said and pulled Adrien away.

"What are you planning to do?" Marinette asked him.

"Just planning on to get that little girl to eat which is really important" he said.

"Adrien... this is a very delicate work" she said.

"You are saying it like I don't know" Adrien pointed out.

"I just want to make sure you do because I can't risk her with you" Marinette said a little harshly.

This time Adrien got pissed and he said a little harshly then intended "You are saying it like I am devil or monster who will eat her up"

Marinette didn't know what came over her but she got pissed too and couldn't control the next words which came out of her mouth "No, you are not a monster or devil but men like you are only good at seducing girls not taking care of them"

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