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Marinette was currently making pancakes with extra honey syrup accompanied by strawberries, just like how certain someone liked it... who was lazily and gently kissing her neck right now, having his arm wrapped around her.

Adrien would keep holding on to her no matter whether she was moving here or there or walking to keep things on the dining table. He will keep having his hands wrapped around her and going wherever she went.

"You do know that I am having a hard time doing things, right?" Marinette asked him.

She heard him say "That's the only thing you are having a hard time about? Someone had asked me to go rough on them last night. I could bet you are having other hard times too"

Marinette furiously blushed at that. She heard him chuckle "you didn't blush when asking for it. Aye! Someone has become shameless"

"And whose fault it is?" Marinette asked.

"Mine, I am going to admit that" Adrien replied to her and went back to kissing her neck, this time accompanied by tickles.

"Adrien! haha, wai- stop!" Marinette laughed and Adrien laughed along with her until they heard...

"I wan..wan...w kisses too"

Adrien quickly jumped away from her while Marinette froze.

They both turned to the source of the voice and looked at her in her little cute nightgown and her ruffled bed hair.

Adrien smiled on seeing her and walking up to her, he said "Good Morning my little angel"

He heard her say "good morning papa" while he picked her up.

He kissed her on her forehead and her puffy little cheeks which made her giggle "Someone asked for morning kisses..."

Adrien then walked up to Marinette with Erica in his arms and Marinette as well gave her a few kisses before wishing her good morning.

"Hasn't your grandmother woken up yet?" Adrien asked.

"She has... she is in ba- ba- ba-wroom" Erica tried to say.

Both Adrien and Marinette chuckled at that. Erica struggled to say a few words and sounds though she has passed that age but nonetheless, they found it adorable. She will learn them slowly with time.

After all, time heals everything.

"Let me guess... we are having pancakes for breakfast" Emilie said walking down the stairs.

"Oh yes, we are... Good morning mom" Marinette said and Adrien greeted along with her.

Emilie had asked Marinette to call her mom, though she and Adrien are not married yet.

Speaking of which...

"I got a text from the card printer. Our wedding cards are ready, they asked if we would like them delivered or will come to get them?" Marinette said to Adrien.

Adrien had this huge grin on his face after hearing that "oh I am going to get them myself"

"Knew it... That's why I told them you will be there by afternoon to collect them" Marinette said as she sat Erica in her seat at the dining table. Adrien shook his head with a smile on his face.

Of course, she did.

"I can't wait to see them" Emilie said buzzing with excitement.

"Eri, you brushed your teeth?" Marinette asked.

"I did" Erica said, feeling a bit proud of herself.

Marinette chuckled and started cutting her pancakes into small pieces and after she was done, she handed Erica her baby fork.

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