Chapter 22

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Again, play the song when told...


As Adrien closed his room's door behind him, he slid down and crashed on the floor. He banged the back of his head lightly at the door behind him as he let out a frustrated sigh. He was too exhausted, mentally and physically to continue the fight between his heart and mind. He decided to give it a break and go to sleep.

Forcing himself up, he went to the wardrobe and pulled out sleepwear shorts, and changed into them. He always sleeps shirtless as it is more comfortable.

He crashed on the bed and hugging his pillow tried to fell asleep. But thoughts of a certain bluenette dancing, teasing, laughing clouded his mind and he found himself wide awake even if he was completely exhausted. He tossed and turned in the bed but it was no use.

He checked the time on his phone and it has already been an hour that he was trying to sleep. His gaze lifted to the sky which was covered with dark clouds outside the window. It looked like it was about to rain heavily.

And it did.

As soon as he heard a soft knock on the door, raindrops started heavily pouring down to the Earth and making a pitter-patter sound when hit the window.

He shifted his gaze to the door and saw it slowly opening.

There she stood.

The girl he is hopelessly in love with.

He got up from his laying position and sat up at the edge of the bed near the door.

"Did I wake you up?" Marinette asked softly with her sweet voice. He saw her gaze moving down to his chest and then snapping away from him as she shyly looked away, blushing.

He smiled at it. He loved to make his princess blush. Then he took notice of what she was wearing. She was still in her black dress and she also looked sober now.

"No you didn't" he replied with an equally soft voice "I was still awake. Well, you look sober now, and... you haven't changed yet"

"Yeah, I am sober now. Thanks to the water you made me drink" she stepped inside the room completely and closed the door behind her as she continued "when you left the room I fell asleep in my dress and woke up a few minutes ago"

"Oh, okay. Do you need something?" he asked. Something was on her mind, he could tell that.

"Yeah" she said almost in a whisper. She walked up to him and stopped inches away.

As Adrien wondered what she was doing, she turned around, and now her back was facing him. She moved her hair from back to the front, exposing the back of her neck and shoulders.

As much as he loved the view in front of him, he still found himself flustered. 

Her hands made their way towards her back and tugged on the zip of her dress.

His mind and face were set aflame on thinking what she was about to do. The little peace of mind he had gathered was now thrown away again for the second time in a day. But what he thought she would do... it never happened.

She looked at him over her shoulder and said "it's stuck"

Marinette could audibly hear his shuddering breath and then she heard him stutter "o-oh.. gah... ok- I-". He went silent, not trusting his mouth.

She knew what he thought she was about to do. It was all over his face, She saw it.

She saw him slowly standing up behind her, first looking at her face and then at her back. She moved her hands to rest on her sides as his made their way to examine the problem.

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