Chapter 18

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Did someone ask for Adrienette?👀

You guys have been waiting for Adrienette so long...

Tell me at the end of the chapter if it was worth it...

I promise I haven't done anything *making innocent angel face*


Adrien knocked on Marinette's door. He first heard some ruffling inside and then on hearing 'come in' he slowly opened the door and entered the room.

The room was dimly lit up as the rays of sunset entered the room. Marinette was sitting on her bed waiting for him to say something. She seemed fine but he knew she wasn't.

Earlier he just wanted to see her, wanted to know how she is, wanted to talk to her, comfort her but now that he was finally here, he didn't know what to do or say.

Marinette waited for Adrien to say something but he just stood there staring at her. She didn't know what was going on his mind but she do knew that Chloe might have told him by now about her past. Marinette wasn't proud of herself for acting that way, she tried to stay strong but at end she let that bitch to get better of her. She was very disappointed at herself.

She decided to cut the ice and said "hey..."

"Hey" Adrien replied and walked into the room closing the door behind him.

He cautiously sat on the bed beside her "you okay?"

Marinette noticed the way he sat beside her making some distance, "yeah... I am okay" Marinette lied, she was still shaken. The worried look on Adrien's face was killing her but other then worry there was something else too, she wasn't able to put her finger on it.

"you sure? Because I don't think so" Adrien said.

"Chloe told you didn't she?" Marinette asked diverting her eyes to the ground.

"yeah she did" Adrien replied.

Adrien didn't know why but a kind of guilt started settling down inside him. When they first met, he thought she was shy then he found out she didn't even had her first kiss so he started thinking about the other reasons but in reality she was scared... yet without knowing he used to tease her, flirt with her, invaded her personal space and did what not and now that he knew, the guilt was killing him. He didn't know what to say to her and why did she accept that stupid challenge or why didn't she stop him?

"I... I am sorry" These were the only words he could think of.

Marinette looked confused at him "sorry? For what?"

"I... I don't know... I kind of feel like I forced you in things with me... I shouldn't have done the things I did... I-" Adrien couldn't continue as Marinette's hand was slapped at his mouth.

"Now listen to me carefully, I can see where you are going with it and let me tell you this... I was never ever scared or afraid of you, I was just cautious, okay? You were a stranger for me and we keep caution with strangers. Do not blame yourself for anything because the moment we stepped out of that orphanage I learned my lesson and knew that I could trust you because you are a person with pure heart Adrien and maybe I already knew it by my heart but I just let my stupid mind get better of myself then my heart. You never did anything wrong or hurt me. You just became another person I deeply care about" Marinette said pouring her heart out in the words.

Adrien took ahold of her hand which was on his mouth and moved it away from his mouth but he didn't let it go. He shifted closer to her smiling.

"I care about you too Mari... a lot" he said as all the negative feelings left.

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