Chapter 17

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Victoria's P.O.V.:

I woke up the next morning and stayed in my bed, looking at the ceiling above me thinking about how my life is.

1. My parents died.

2. I find out I have an uncle.

3. I live with a band.

4. My uncle is a bodyguard.

5. I seem to have a little crush on Zayn.

6. And my best friend is by my side through all of this.

After other thoughts that ran through my head, I got the strength to get up.

I took with me an over sized t-shirt and some short shorts and bra and all stuff that I needed. I took my shampoos and went to the bathroom.

I took a shower to freshen up. I shampooed my hair and washed it and my body and got out.

I put a towel around my body and one around my hair.

After drying my hair and body... I wore my bra and underpants and put my shorts and oversized t-shirt on.

I brushed my hair and left it to dry on it's own.

I got out and went downstairs to eat breakfast, I found a note placed on the counter.

'We have a meeting with Simon be back by 8:00 p.m.- Paul and the boys. ' I read.

Who the hell was Simon?!

Oh, that Reminds me... I have to search the boys to get to know them.

I grabbed cereal and milk and put them in two bowls.

I put the, in Ariana's room and saw that she took a shower and is straightening her hair. Might as well straighten my hair, too.

I ate my cereal while she finished her hair. I took the straighter afterwards and straightened my hair quickly.

" let us search things about the boys." I suggested to Ariana.

She nodded and took out her laptop.

We watched how One Direction was formed and I realized that the person they are having a meeting with is Simon Cowell. And let me tell you, he is a strict judge but personally in my opinion I think it's good to be that strict because he knows how to pick talents.

We watched their video diaries which were hilarious. Oh my God... Ari and I couldn't stop laughing when Louis screamed ' SUPERMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN..'...... they are freaking hilarious.

I learned that Harry likes cats, his favorite food is taco's,and is the flirt of the group.... and has a big interest in older women... And Ariana wasn't pleased.

I learned that Liam has a spoon phobia which I found hilarious... How does he eat soup or cereal then?? Guess I will be doing dinner tonight so I can see how he ears soup.... I learned he adores Toy Story.....and has one kidney.....and is the smartest out of the group.

Louis.... Oh my,,, oh my.... Louis likes to pull pranks..... He hates socks and loves to wear TOMS... He loves suspenders and striped shirts..... And is the leader of the group, well it was the only thing left so they put Louis as the leader cause he's the oldest...And he loves carrots.

Niall has a love for food and especially a place called Nandos..... He loves to laugh.. Who doesn't? He's the funny one out of the group and the only Irish one the four boys are British but he is Irish...he is very fragile that the boys are really protective over him because the boys fans sometimes hate on him...

Once a Dream (Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora