Chapter 21

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Victoria's P.O.V.:

Louis answered his phone.

"Hello? Oh, hi babe!" all the boys groaned when they heard him say that...I turned towards them and gave them a questioning look. Zayn gave me a look that said I'll-tell-you-later. I nodded and we continued to listen to Louis' conversation with whoever it was on the other line.

"I'll take you tomorrow......I promise.....ummmm I want to bring friends with me, okay?....uhuh....I miss you you! Bye, love." he said and ended the call.

"Fancy going to the beach tomorrow?" Louis asked us.

"I do! Cause I need to work on my tan.." I said. "Same for me!" Ariana nodded.

"Boys do you fancy going to the beach!" Louis asked the boys. "We will but you better keep her away from us!" Zayn told him while rolling his eyes, the boys nodding in agreement.

Ohhhhkkkkaaaaaay that is so mean, I should really be filled in about why they talk about her like that.. I'm sure she's not that bad.

"I'm going to shower, so pack your things okay?" Louis informed us.

"C'mon....C'mon.. Let's get to packing!" Liam instructed.

"Sir, yes, sir!" I saluted while stomping my feet.

Everyone chuckled and climbed the stairs heading to their rooms.

I entered my room and slammed the door shut...I grabbed my beach bag and through in a towel, money, headphones, sunscreen, water, camera, change of clothes, a few plastic grocery bags to put the wet clothes in, aloe if anyone got a sunburn, a blanket, and chapstick etc..

I picked out my bikini which would be a black one if you ask... Ummm...yeah.... I got white short shorts and a black crop top which said LOVE in silver across it....

I put them on the side and heard my stomach grumbling.... Snack time!

I stepped out of my room and marched down the stairs, and entered the kitchen.....

I made two toasts and spread Nutella on them! Yum....

I grabbed two plates and put the toasts on them.... I strolled towards Zayn's room and entered without knocking.. A bad habit of mine which is walking in someone's room without knocking!

I saw him on his bed shirtless glaring the screen. He looked up from the screen to me and I smiled at him, trying to distract myself from looking at his abs!

"I came could tell me about the phone call that Louis received...uhhh yeah!" I told him trying to not check him out but that is freakin impossible...well, till now I'm succeeding.. Soooo......

He fixed his position to a more comfortable one and made some space. He patted the spot next to him and said softly, "Come here, sit next to me."

I cleared my throat and sat in the area he directed me to sit in.

I gave him one of the plates which held his toast with Nutella.. I gave him a look that said are-you-going-to-tell-me? But of course being a stupid idiotic boy and his understanding ability is quite slow, he didn’t understand the look I gave him so I gave him more information about what I meant.

"Will" pause "you" pause "explain" pause "to" pause "me" pause "what" pause "the" pause "phone" pause "call" pause "that" pause "Louis" pause "got" pause "is" pause "about?" I said as if talking to a 3 year old.

He stuck his tongue out at me and took a bite out of his toast, which resulted in him having a bit of chocolate on his lips but he licked his lips so there wasn’t any chocolate left. He took another bite and began talking, WHILE CHEWING!!

Once a Dream (Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz