Chapter 8

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Victoria's P.O.V.:

As I looked at the two officers I kept crying.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you." I apologized to James an Katrina.

Katrina came over and hugged me rubbing my back while James patted my shoulder.

" it's okay Hun." Katrina assured me.

" Victoria, we need to talk to you." James said.

Victoria nodded telling them it's okay to talk.

" You have five places you can live in... With your grandmother, one of your two uncles from your dad's side, on your own, or with your uncle on your mom's side." James said.

" with my grandmother.. No... Two uncles on my dad's side.. No... On my own..I'm not ready, so no... And my mom is an only child she has no brothers or sisters.." I said.

" Your mom does have a brother. If you live with him p, he might tell you, why you never heard of him." explains James.

" What's his name?" I asked

" Paul Higgins." answered Katrina.

" Where does he live?" I asked.

Katrina answered, " London at the moment."

" I guess I'll go, but can Ariana come with me? We're going to college over there anyway." I asked.

" I'm sure she can." she said. I realized they both are being cautious of what they say as if they're hiding something.

" Are you hiding something?" I asked them.

They both shook their head 'no'.

" okay then.. What does he work?" I asked.

" How about he tells you when you go there." Katrina said.

My eyes widen, " Is he a drug dealer or something?!?!" I exclaimed.

" No no no. Listen sweetie, the thing he works is a very good. We won't send you to drug dealers, now would we?" Katrina asked.

" Of course you won't, you're the police after all." I said.

" So you and Ariana will go to Paul Higgins's house?" James asked.

I walked over to Ariana's parents and held their hands.

I put my puppy dog eyes on, if that works with my tears falling.

They had an eye communication. Okayyyy.

They looked at me and nodded.

" Thank you." I hugged them then looked at the officers waiting.

Ariana's mother spoke up," Victoria and Ariana will be traveling next week."

" Okay. Thank you. Give me your house address so I will come and give you all the details after I communicate with Paul. " James said as he gave Ari's parents a paper and pen. Her father wrote their address on the paper, and handed it with the pen to James.

They walked away. I looked in my parents room and found a sheet covering their whole body.

I walked to my father and kissed his cheeks, forehead, and nose. I caresses his face in my trembling hands. He was so cold. I cried hysterically. I hugged him but he didn't hug back, I cried and cried. I will miss my dad.

I went to my mom and held her hand and did the same things I did to my dad to her. She also didn't hug back.

Then it hit me hard. There is no more hugs from my parents. No more of their care. No more comforting words. No more anything. No mom to cry happy tears and be proud of me when I marry my no dad to walk me down the isle and hand me to my future husband. No more anything in life.

No more mom and dad.

At those thoughts I broke down crying.


Heyz people!

Third update today... YAY.


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Victoria... Poor her..

I love you all..

Bye bye!! :D

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