Chapter 3

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*Three weeks later*

I woke up an guess what? Yes! Today is Ariana's Birthday June 26! Finally she will be legal when we go to London. But in America we are still illegal.

If you're asking what happened to school, well I'm done.. Oh between me and Ariana both got scholar ships in London at the same college. Of course we accepted the offer like seriously who wouldn't. Go to college for free, with your best friend, and to LONDON BABBBY!!!

Okay so let's see how this day goes....

I got a crop top with some jeans short shorts.

I went to the bathroom took my clothes off and turned the radio on.

California Girls by Katy Perry was on.

I sang with the music.

' I know a place

Where the grass is really greener

Warm, wet and wild

There must be something in the water

Sippin' gin and juice

Laying underneath the palm trees (dun dun)

The boys

Break their necks

Try'na creep a little sneer peek (at us)

You could travel the world

But nothing comes close

To the golden coast

Once you party with us

You'll be falling in love

Oooooh oh oooooh

California girls

We're unforgettable

Daisy dukes bikinis on top

Sun kissed skin so hot now melt your-'

Stupid radio cut off.

I will be using my iPhone 4s as a radio then.

I finished quicker than normal because I feel without music the shower sucks.

I got out of the shower and took two towels. One for my hair and one for my body. After drying my body I took off the towel to look at my body. I was so ugly. A tear rolled down my cheek, I whipped it away and quickly put my clothes on to hide my body. But because I had a crop top on my ugly fat stomach was shown.

Whatever now I need to be making sure Ariana's surprise birthday party was ready.



So how is chapter 3?

What do you think about it? ;)

I am working on chapter 4 :)

Sorry updates are slow..

I have school and those teachers uggghhh they're drowning us in homework.

Last week I had six assignments to hand in only for English class. Then science test. Then Algebra worksheet. And you wouldn't want to know the rest it is just ridiculous.

So anyway hop you enjoyed.

Thanks for reading my angels.

Angels hehe!

Ok ok bye! :D

Once a Dream (Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin