Chapter 15

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Victoria's P.O.V.:

" One Direction would be...... Those five lads I front of you... Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Harry. They're in a band that is known everywhere and I'm surprised that you don't know about them.. Later I will show you some of their videos and they now are trying to right lyrics for a new song as their first single ever. " he said.

(A/N: pretend that they still didn't have any songs even WMYB!!! Although they already finished their second album... :) )

" Wow!!! Seriously... How did you become a band?" I asked.

Zayn answered," we all auditioned for the X Factor individually and were put in a band."

" what's the X Factor?!?" Ariana and I asked at the the same time.

The 5 boys and Uncle Paul looked at us weirdly as if we had done something that approves of us as mental people who should go to rehab.

" Sweeties Vic and Ari, did you live under a rock?" Uncle Paul asked us, and the boys nodded in agreement to his question.

"Seriously what the hell is X Factor? " Ari asked and I nodded.

" The X Factor is a show, where basically people audition and then is lead to stages until one person wins at the end and becomes a popster....... Search the X Factor on the Internet and then you will understand.. I won't explain the whole thing to you. " Uncle Paul said.

" Prove to us that you can sing, dudes. " Ariana demanded.

" what should we sing?" Liam asked.

" Whatever you want to sing.." I replied back with a smile.

" okay lads, how about singing Torn, like we sang on the X Factor. " Liam said.

They all agreed with nods, "yeah's", and " okay's"

" umm before you begin, what in the world, does lads mean?!? I mean seriously what the hell?!?" Ariana asked

" Lads or lad is in British and dudes and dude are in American. " Uncle replied.

"okay,,, and uncle what do you work and how do you relate to those ' lads' ?" I said putting parenthesis with my hands when I reached the word 'lads'.

They all chuckled and the uncle began to speak.

" First, don't call me Uncle... I would feel old." I raise fan eyebrow at him.

" then what are you?!? A teenage boy?" I asked sarcastically.

The boys tried to hold in their laughter but eventually erupt into a fit of laughter and eventually tears are pouring down their face. Ariana joined them in while I giggled and my uncle shook his head chuckling.

After minutes of laughter and everyone sobered up uncle spoke again.

" just call me Paul or what ever floats your boat. Second both of your questions have the same answer.... I'm the manager and bodyguard of this boy band ." he motioned to the boys the end.

" Nice... Speaking of boy band.... We didn't hear you sing." I said looking at the boys.

" okay... Niall go get the guitar. " Liam instructed.

Niall obeyed and hurriedly went to grab the guitar... After coming back down he positioned himself and began to warm up so he can begin.

After he warmed up, he said," Ready boys?" he asked the four other boys in the boy band.

They all nodded and he began to strum.


"I thought I saw a girl brought to life

She was warm she came around

She was dignified

She showed me what it was to cry

You couldn't be that girl I adored

You don't seem to know or seem to care

What your heart is for

But I don't know her anymore"


"There's nothing left, I used to cry

My conversation has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothing's fine"


"I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see

The perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn (I'm already torn)"


"There's nothing left, I used to cry

Inspiration has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothing's fine"


"I'm torn


I'm torn"


"Nothing's fine

I'm torn"


"I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying broken on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see

The perfect sky is torn

You're a little late

I'm already torn"


"I'm already

I'm already torn"





They ended the song and they were waiting for our reactions.


Hello there!

Long time no see.. I'm kidding I uploaded like what,,,, two days ago?!?

Anyway what do you think their reactions would be??

And what do you think about this chappie??

Oh, and how is my story in general?

It's still in the beginning but oh well!

Bye people :D

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