Big brother, Movie night(afternoon), and Sky

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As he was deciding on whether or not he should kill Sonic on the spot or not.

On second thought maybe he will.

With Sonic, he was in his room with his door closed while resting in the hammock that was in the corner of his room, he liked sitting there sometimes since it was close to the window, and he could peacefully sunbathe.

He held his guitar in his hands playing a slight tone when his ears perked up hearing the sound of his siblings joining in as they played their instruments as well.
This placed a small smile on his face as he had a little more confidence to play even if he knew he wasn't alone in his own home to go all out as he wanted to.

But, playing the guitar is what always calmed him down in a way, kind of like therapy for him.

Relaxing more into his hammock the blue speedster began to play with more comfortability his ear flicked hearing his sibling following his lead as he chuckled a bit.

"Sometimes you guys really amaze me," he muttered to himself knowing his siblings in a way could hear him as his instrument began glowing when he put it away, he needed to see if Amy was ok now, since...It would probably be better to get everything settled now than later.
After all, they were roommates until her house was livable agian and who knows how long that's going to take?

He chuckled to himself a bit before leaving his room and headed toward Amy's room when he knocked on the door and waited a bit.

After a while, Amy had opened her door and peeked outside until she started blushing once more at the sight of the blue hero "uh, hey Amy," he said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck "can I come in?" he asked when she gave a shy nod, and opened the door all the way walking to her bed, with Sonic following behind her.

"Is there, something you wanted to talk about?" she asked a bit hesitantly while playing with her fingers once she sat on her head.

Sonic leaned against her wall and crossed his arms "well, uh. Er," he started off with, as he glanced to the side unsure of what to say before he looked at her "you wanna, watch a movie this afternoon together?" he then questioned, causing the pinkette to instantly look into his eyes.

"What?" she asked almost as if she thought she imagined what the hero was asking her.

"Would you like to watch a movie together this afternoon?" Sonic repeated while glancing to the side for a second before looking back at the pinkette who was now looking at him with pure hope "really?" Amy asked.

"Yea, sure," the blue hero says to which Amy instantly nodded her head with joy before squealing happily.

"Yes," was all she could say when Sonic smiled happily "great," the blue hero says as he stood up straight "oh, um...I heard the sound of a guitar earlier. Were you listening to music?" the heroine questioned "yea, was it too loud?" he replied.
"No, I was just curious is all, it sounded pretty nice," Amy said when Sonic nodded his head "alright, I'll go make us some popcorn," the blue speedster said before leaving the room.

Closing the door behind him as he left, when Amy squealed with joy until her brother appeared back into her room with his arms crossed.

"Seriously Rose," Shadow says with a frown "what, you know I love movies," Amy said.

Though Shadow wasn't too pleased, he didn't like Sonic and Amy knew that they were rivals but she still hung out with the guy.

"Oh, tonight why don't you stay and meet Sky, he's going to be here," Amy soon said hopefully "Sky? You mean that wolf, you've been hanging around?" Shadow questioned with a raised brow "yeah," the pinkette said as she put her hands together, her tail wagged softly and her eyes shimmered with hope.

He stared at his little sister for a while until he sighed giving in "fine, I stay around to meet him," he said to which the pinkette got up and hugged him.

"Thank you," Amy said with joy purring happily as Shadow reached up to lightly pat her head.




Amy happily bounced on the couch with joy while holding a large bowl of popcorn in her arms as she watched Sonic put on a Christmas movie for the both of them.

Sonic soon got up once he got the movie ready as he soon went over and took a seat beside the energetic pinkette a slight smile on his face. 
He had gotten to talk with Tails earlier about a few plans that revolved around, Amy and Vanilla's homes as they both decided, they'll work on them once the weather warmed up a little bit due to how terrible the snowstorm have been.

He also, kept in contact with Sonia and Manic to check in on them regularly wanting to make sure they were safe.

Which they were, so he could relax and enjoy a movie.

Once the movie had started the two peacefully ate popcorn together and even happily talked about the movie as well with big smiles on their face.

"Oh, oh, we should see Frosty next," Amy then said her tail wagging "sure," Sonic replied happily.

As they both smiled with joy and just watched movies for hours until Sonic got up while Amy just snuggled into the couch kicking her feet "ok, I'm off now," the blue blur said when he noticed the time.

"Ok, are you going to Manic's or Sonia's?" Amy questioned "Manic's," the blue hero replied with a sheepish smile.

"ok, be safe out there ok," the pinkette replied, "you know I will," Sonic says before heading to his room for a quick second then went to the front door but he remembered seeing the door bearacated with snow so he turned around.
"I'm going to climb out my window instead," he said when Amy started giggling as she kicked her legs softly though she did need to wait a bit for nightfall.

A few hours later.

Nightfall had finally taken place when Amy got off the couch and happily skipped to her room with a soft giggle in her voice.

She couldn't wait for her brother to meet Sky.

Her tail wagged as she stood by her window and waited, and waited. Her eyes watched the fallen snow from outside with a soft hum.

"When exactly does Sky arrive?" a familiar voice questions causing Amy to jump before turning around to see her brother looking at her "oh, in a few minutes from now," the pinkette answered before grinning with joy.

"Hm," Shadow hummed until there was a soft thud against Amy's window earning the two's attention.

"Oh, there he is," Amy said with joy as she soon opened her window as Sky stuck his head through the window and licked her cheek as she giggled and lightly pet his head before allowing him to enter her room fully while she went to get towels for him.

Sky looked towards the window and closed it using one of his paws his tail wagging softly when Amy began drying him off with a towel as he moved closer to her.

Shadow stared at the two with a raised brow, slightly glaring.

"Oh, Sky, have you eaten yet?" Amy then asked to which the werehog huffed and nodded his head pressing his muzzle into her cheek "ok, that's good," she said with a soft giggle when Sky looked over to see Shadow and stared at him.

"So, that's Sky," Shadow spoke up a bit annoyed "yup, this is Sky," Amy says while scratching the werehog under his chin to which Sky leaned into her touch before flopping over onto his back.

"He looks a lot like that faker," Shadow soon says as he leaned against the wall "just their eyes are the same," Amy replied while placing a kiss on Sky's muzzle earning a happy whine from the werehog as the ebony hedgehog glared at Sky with pure hatred.

The rose and the wolf (A sonamy story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin