Question and Answers 10 Part 1

Start from the beginning

Ryuzaki: Yeah, Ayaza knocked some sense into Yozora and he's been a vegetable ever since.

Yuuto: Where is he?

Ryuzaki: I didn't think you were the type to care—

Yuuto: I'm going to pull the plug.

Ryuzaki: ...

Zeon: ...

Ryuuga: ...

Kin: Good idea, I don't want you as my cousin anyways


Kin: Wait, I do?

Ryuuga: You guys expected too much from Bakakin.

Kin: *chuckles*

Zeon: But he's your father Yuuto, you can't!

Yuuto: My life is shit anyways, last week I got lynched by a Kaido fanboy and the former American president Barack Obama's grandson.

Zeon: What the hell kind of school do you go to...


Ryuuga: Kaido nearly sued me... *rocks back and forth*

Yuuto: That guy hates everyone except his girlfriend...

Kin: *chuckles*

Yuuto: Anyways, get out of my way, I'm not letting Yza live!

Zeon: That's a bad idea, you'll regret it!

Kin: Meh, let him

Ryuzaki: You'll be erased too, Bakakin!

Kin: Sometimes a great sacrifice is necessary for a better future. *nods like a hero*

Ryuuga: Why am I the only normal one here.....

Yuuto: *charges into the hospital room*

Zeon: Yuuto, no, wait!

Ryuzaki: No Zeon. Let him.

Zeon: But, Ryuzaki, he—

Ryuzaki: Fubuki will stop him.

Fubuki: *reeeeeeeeees in the distance*

Q) To Kin-
Be as obvlious and dense to those who see you as a love interest as Bakarina.

Ryuzaki: Bakakin for Silence or we riot

Kin: *chuckles* I don't know what you guys are talking about

Ryuzaki: Time to dial up your love interests. First up!

Asahi: Huh? When did I...? How did I end up here?

Kin: Oh look, it's my faction's leader, King Asahi.

Asahi: Kin, there you are! I've been looking all over for you! Would you... perhaps like to eat lunch with me?

Kin: Ohmygod yaaaaas, gimme gimme, I wan spicy ramen topped with cheese, ever since that strange truck lured me in, all I've wanted was cheesy, spicy raaaaamennnnnnnnnnnnn eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee >w<

Asahi: That's not what I... *laughs* Okay, sure. We'll get spicy, cheesy ra—

Shiro: E-Eh? When did I get here...?

Kin: Eh?! King Asahi, where did you go?! I want my raaaaamennnnnnnnn!

Shiro: Oh, hello there Kin. What are you doing here?

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