Yang: "Mom?"

Looking to where Yang was looking, A Raven sat on the handrail near a corner. Y/n didn't hesitate used his handheld troika to fire at the Bird who quickly flew behind Lionheart and transformed back into Raven herself.

Ruby: "Raven..."

Nora: "They... really are magic."

Y/n: "Your lucky your fast as a bird. Otherwise you'd be Swiss cheese by now."

Qrow: " what are you doing here?!"

While Raven was walking down the Stairs, she gave her answer with a suspiciously confident smirk.

Raven: "I could ask you the same thing. You've been scheming little Brother."

Qrow: "Leo! What have you done!"

Lionheart: "I-"

Raven: "Leo did what every sane person would do in his position. He looked at all the information in front of him, assest the situation, and made a choice."

Y/n: "Seems like the wrong Choice. Because when he made the choice, the Horde wasn't in the picture."

Raven: "You and your horde don't know what your up against. You're not as strong as you think."

Y/n smirked as he slowly put on his helmet and checked the ammo on his troika.

Y/n: "Huh, if I remember correctly, It was you who was on her knees after I wiped the floor with you in your camp. You may not show it, but I can smell your fear of me."

And it was true. Raven wasn't showing any emotions. But the smallest amount of sweat dripping from her face was prove enough.

Qrow: "You have the spring maiden."

Raven: "I do."

Qrow: "Then hand her over and let's work together. We can beat Salem."

Raven: "All this time, spying for Ozpin and you still don't know what you're dealing with. There is no beating Salem!"

From the side lines Ruby joined the little back and forth.

Ruby: "Your wrong. We did things that seem impossible to others. But we did it because we didn't do it alone. We had people to teach us, to help us. We had each other. We at least have a better chance if we work together."

Ruby was about to stretch her hand out to Raven, but y/n walked in front of her.

Y/n: "Stop trying Ruby, this bird is a lost cause. She chose the wrong side to work with. I think I told you, the next time we'd meet, would be as enemies."

Raven: "You did."

Quickly grabbing her blade, she opened a portal next to herself, and a fireball shots out from it towards Y/n who easily blocked to flame with his Royal armor.

Y/n: "Was that all you can do? I'm disappointed."

Through the portal stepped a few all to familiar faces.

Cinder: "Hello boys and girls."

Y/n: "Hahaha! Oh Cinder, I see you survived your fall. Tell me, how's that arm and Eye of yours!"

Cinders eyes quickly found the source of the Voice. Her face changed into one of pure anger.

Cinder: "You..."

The group lined up, a total of 5 people. The door behind the group opened, and a large guy in green clothes walked in. With a metal rod he twisted in the door handles, he blocked the way out.

Hazel: "The White Fang is preparing demolition and securing the School Grounds. No one is getting in, and no one is getting out."

Weiss: "This was all just a trap?"

Varix: "my king, I have clear sights to the fang that are planting the charges."

Y/n: "takeout the ones out that are out of sight of the rest. The Siviks and Ryuk should be here with the Faunus from Menagerie any minute now."

Varix: "As you wish."

Even if the situation inside was looking Grimm, y/n started chuckling.

Mercury: "What's so funny? Laughing at your defeat already?"

Y/n: " hahaha! Oh no. I'm laughing at the fact that you all forgot why your opponent is."

A few puzzled faces from everyone, even his friends landed on the horde king.

Y/n: "Hahaha! Malok! Initiate Mistral E-Day!"

Inside the academy, something like an earthquake was felt, while outside a loud roar was heard followed by immediate gunfire. Mor roaring was heard as something was trying to break through the schools door.

Y/n: "It's time everyone gets to witness the might of the Locust horde!! Shibboleth! Come and tear down the door!"

Hazel quickly made his way away from the doors, as it was ripped out of the wall with a huge part of the wall itself. Soon after, a Armored face with six red glowing eyes stared into the school while everyone had a face full of fear, including the group y/n was with.

Lionheart: "What in o-oum-"

Y/n: "Shibboleth! Make sure no one leaves without you having a word with them!"

The beast planted itself in front of the door, blocking it completely while y/n focused his attention back to the enemy group, reading his troika with malicious intents.

Lionheart: "W-what have you brought to my doorstep..."

Y/n: "Hahaha.....hell itself! Now, let's dance!"



Alright, hope you all enjoyed the chapter and leave me your thoughts! I'll see you in another chapter or story!!

For my Queen (Gears of War Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now