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"So you guys were saying, this book can only be unleashed to its true form when Y/n touches it?"

Jimin asked as you and Namjoon nodded in unison.

"Now that we've found the book, let's open it and try to connect the clues."

Everyone nodded at Jin's suggestion as you placed the book on the table.

You flipped it open as they scattered the papers which contains the clues on the table as well.

"On the first page, it says that the butterfly found its flower. It was the same as the riddle that Principal Kim gave." Hoseok said with a serious tone and expression.

You've never seen him this serious and you felt a bit... Terrified.

"It will wither, but what exactly is it?" You glanced at Jimin and he did the same to you before immediately looking away.

"Then the butterflies, I think it was the metaphor for us and the flower was the book. Where we came from, it means our Mother and Namjoon's mom gave this riddle. I think, she knows what's going on and we need to bring the book to her." You said while setting the solved riddle on the side.

"What about the other clues?" Jungkook asked, his innocent eyes staring at you.

You shrugged and let Namjoon solved it as you flipped the page of the book.

The preceding pages were the story of how the princess was born.

Then you stopped on a page as you gasped loudly, causing for the boys to look at you.

"Why? What is it?" Yoongi immediately stood on your side to take a look on the page.

His eyes widened, "The princess was the Witch's daughter?!"

Everyone gasped at the revelation.

"That's why the witch kept the book in here to help her daughter's friends." Jimin said and nodded to himself.

"I'm not sure with this but here is the result of the clues that I pieced together." Namjoon put the pen down and opened his lips to read the result.

"If we haven't bring the book to my mom before sunrise, we will ran out of time and darkness will come."

"But is there a specific time? Like a date?" Taehyung asked, a deep frown was present on his forehead.

The principal sighed and put the notebook down, "I don't know."

Everyone's obviously stressed and Yeri unintentionally or intentionally added to the weight.

"I'll try to make another."

You placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled, "We can do this, Namjoon."

He smiled back and nodded, everyone was watching the two of you with envy, "Thank you." He replied.

You brought your attention back to the book and continued to read the story— that was already told by Namjoon back then.

You also read that the witch has visited the 7 princes in the castle secretly to give them clues and bring foods in.

While coming into the end of the story, your eyes was beginning to widen.

Jin noticed your reaction, "Y/n?" You didn't answer which made them worry.

"The... The princes..."

He peeked on the book and processed what was written and drawn on the book.

"The princes lived for years and were able to leave the castle with the help of the witch and made everyone believe that they died." He read which everyone gasped again.

You looked at each one of them, an idea forming in your mind.

You immediately flipped the page and gulped, "T-the princes lived peacefully and had a family."

You flipped to the next page, the princess was shown, "The King cursed the princess that starting from her, a girl will not be born but always a boy and it happened."

Your palm began to sweat when you remembered that your father's siblings were all boys.

"W-why are you pale Y/n? What's happening?" Jin asked and held your shoulder.

The boys were throwing you questions out of worry.

"M-my father's siblings... They are all boys, and an uncle of mine told me... T-that it was a curse."


You woke up because of your dry throat and felt like you've been in a dessert for years without water.

You slipped on your slippers and frowned when you saw a shadow passed by.

You forgot to close your door properly earlier because you were thinking about the possibility that you came from the princess's bloodline.

Walking towards the door quietly, you stepped out and followed the shadow who went down on the stairs.

When there was no one, you took a deep breath thinking you were imagining things.

You headed towards the kitchen and grabbed a glass before walking towards the fridge.

But before you could open it, a hand covered your mouth as the glass slipped out from your hand and it shattered when it made contact with the floor.

You were trying to get out from the stranger's grip but your head got hit causing for you to lose consciousness.

On the other hand, the trio whose rooms were located downstairs jolted awake because of the noise.

They immediately dashed out from their rooms and froze when they saw the back door opened.

"Taehyung, wake the others up! Jimin, get your bracelets!" Hoseok commanded and the duo immediately obeyed.

Jimin immediately came back with the bracelets, the older didn't waste any time and dashed out.

But all he saw was your dragged body that disappeared in the dark.



Again, credits to Pinterest for the picture above!

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