The School Castle

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You took a deep breath to calm yourself and looked at your parents sitting on a couch in the living room across from you.

"Why not?"

"Because of your attitude."

You raised a brow at your Father, "What about my attitude?"

You wondered what's wrong with you when you just inherited their attitude, heck they made you with their own sperm and egg.

"You're too competitive, Y/n. Not everyone around you is your enemy, therefore we can't send you to a prestigious school where there are students who are... More competitive than you."

You have a reason why you wanted to study at a prestigious school where your parents met and graduated.

You were hoping. Hoping that you'll learn more, you want to have a nice job and earn money because that's why we study in the first place, right?

But, of course. Why would you tell them about it?

You decided to just let them believe that you want to study there because you were challenged. They wouldn't believe you anyway even if you tell them the real reason.

However, a little bit of challenge isn't that bad, right?

And that's how you end here.

In front of a place that looks like a castle instead of a school building.

You raised a brow on the middle-aged woman walking towards you while pushing up her glasses.

"You must be Y/n." She said and flashed a smile, her dimples popping out.


"Come. I'll discuss the rules." She leads the way inside the place as you tailed behind her while struggling a bit to drag your luggage with you.

You frowned at the silence that welcomed you when you entered.

"Is this really a school?"

You asked and looked around, on the middle were two stairs on each side with vines wrapped around the handle.

There's a chandelier on the ceiling, and at the center, right below the stairs was a wooden double door with vines as its design.

Mrs. Kim began to walk towards the stairs as you left your things on the side and followed her.

She turned on the right as you frowned at the number of frames hanging on the walls in the hallway.

Mrs. Kim turned on the door at the right as she twisted the knob open.

"This is the office."

You watched as Mrs. Kim went to her swivel chair and sat down, clasping her hands together and placing them on the table.

You took a seat on the visitor's chair, you stared at the name engraved on a metal placed on her table.

"I'm Mrs. Kim, the Principal of this school. I know you have so many questions to ask and you may ask me now."

You cleared your throat, "Why does this place doesn't look like a school at all?"

She smiled, "Well, the school was behind this place."

You frowned, "What exactly is this place then?"

"This is where we discipline reckless students."

Your lips parted in disbelief, your parents sent you to a disciplinary center instead of sending you directly to the school they wanted you to go to.

"I can't believe this." You said and chuckled bitterly.

What a parent.

"This place, this is also a school but there's a twist. You can't leave this place until you're disciplined and responsible enough."

You scoffed, "I don't see any guards around so how are you going to make sure that I won't escape?" You crossed your arms and leaned against the chair.

Mrs. Kim smirked, "You'll find out if you try."

"Did you just told me that I should try to escape?"


An awkward silence filled the room as she cleared her throat.

"I'll explain to you the only rule of this place." Mrs. Kim started, her aura screams how disciplined and responsible she is.

"Only rule? There's only one rule?" You asked in disbelief. You were expecting her to tell you countless rules because this is a disciplinary center.

She smiled, "You are only allowed to leave this place for a week every year until you graduated."


Welcome to The School Castle: BTSxReader!

The names, characters, places, businesses, plot/story came from the Author's imagination only and no plagiarism was intended. Any resemblance to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

I don't own any of the pictures that I've used in this story.

Credits to BigHit and the rightful owners.


Grammatical errors and typos ahead!

The characters that I used in this story don't reflect their personalities in real life.

This story contains foul language/swearing.

If you don't like how the story goes, you're free to press the back button and leave my story peacefully.

© bluedasra

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