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Yoongi asked the driver to stop the car near a convenient store and let the vehicle drove away.

He decided to buy a hair dye since it will take him too long before he could change it again.

And also to delay his arrival on his home.

It was already sunset when he decided to go to his mother's home.

He knocked on the door and waited for it to open, he raised a brow at the sight of an unfamiliar man.

"Who are you?" Yoongi asked as he went in.



He looked at his mother who came into view with a huge smile on her lips.

The man wrapped an arm around his mother's waist, "This is my son, Yoongi. Yoongi, this is your soon to be father, Sejin."

Yoongi didn't say anything because he knew that this man is just the same as the previous men who left his mother after bedding her.

"I'm taking a rest." He said and turned around as he headed to his room.

When he swung the door open, he coughed because of the amount of dust that enter his nostrils.

He sighed when his mother didn't even bother to welcome him warmly when she knew that he will come.

He went straight to the toilet inside his room and took out the hair dye that he bought.

Yoongi stared at his reflection and couldn't help but smile when he remembered how you touched his hair while trimming it.

"I hope you will like this."

He whispered and began to dye his hair.


Dinner came and he's now heading towards the dining room.

And when he entered, he winced when he saw how his mother and her boyfriend immediately pulled away from each other.

"Son–" His mother stopped and stared at his hair, "You dyed your hair again?! I already let you dye your hair once and you did it again knowing that I don't want you to do it?!"

Yoongi didn't even flinched and just stared blankly at his yelling mother with her boyfriend calming her down.

"Why?! Do you have a girlfriend and she's influencing you?! What a bad influence she is! Just like your father!"

That's when he snapped as he throw a glare on his mother, his clenched fist trembling.

"Don't you dare talk about her and father like that! Remember, it was your fault why he left and got into an accident! You cheated and doesn't stop having boyfriends despite of knowing that they just want to bed you then they will leave you right after!"

His mother's boyfriend punched him as Yoongi stumbled back and fell on the floor.

He tasted the metallic taste on the corner of his lips as he wiped it with his thumb and saw blood.

He pushed himself up and faced them, "Don't you dare put your dirty hands on me which you use when having sex with her!"

With that, he stormed out of the house before the man could give him another punch.

Yoongi had nowhere to go as he began to walk along the dark streets.

Then, he suddenly remembered Namjoon's address.

And he wasted no time as he immediately rushed towards the principal's house.


Yoongi kept on asking himself if what he's going to is right as he stared at your house with its lights closed.

He took a deep breath and climbed on the gate as he quietly jumped off and looked for your room.

He didn't know how he managed to climb up and he found himself landing on your balcony's floor as he remained lying for a while to catch his breath.

He stood up and brushed off the dust on his jeans and walked towards the sliding door.

After knocking, you came into his view and pushed the curtains aside, your eyes widened at the sight of another guy from the castle.

"Why are you here?" You asked after opening the sliding door and letting him in.

Without saying anything, Yoongi wrapped his arms around you and buried his face on the crook of your neck.

You froze and brought your hand up to stroke his now silver hair, which you think, looked good on him.

When he pulled away he intertwined his hand with yours, "Can you come with me? I just need someone to talk to."

Because of that, you knew there's a problem so you agreed.

Slipping on a jacket and locking your door, you two sneaked out through your balcony.

"I won't bring you far from your house, don't worry."

You nodded and let Yoongi lead with your hands still intertwined.

"Years ago, my father died, he got hit by a truck when he was drunk because he found out that my mother cheated on him. Months later, mother continued to have boyfriends but they will leave her after bedding her. She even forgot about me and my education so I ran away and worked, then a man came, he asked me if I want to continue my education. I said yes and that's how I got into the castle. And now, I grew so close with him."

You smiled, "He must be so kind, offering you scholarship even though you were a stranger to each other."

Yoongi smiled too and nodded, he squeezed your hand, "Well, Namjoon is really kind."

You were surprised a bit but you knew Namjoon will do that to everyone if he can.

Silence filled the air as you two continued to walk in the dark sidewalk with only the lamp posts and trees around.

"I'm sorry if I haven't asked my mother about the book."

Yoongi said, you stopped walking which caused him to do the same since you were holding his hand.

He turned to face you, "It's fine, Yoongi. That's not important for now, what's important is what you feel right now."

The wind blew as the trees danced a bit, you two were drowning in each other's eyes under the night sky.

"What I feel right now?"

You watched as he stepped closer to you, slowly closing the space in between your bodies.

His brown orbs staring right into yours, "I feel comfortable with you right now."

Your breath hitched when he began to move his face closer but he stopped when his lips was an inch away from yours.

"And I'm comfortable with those who I love."

With that, he pressed his soft lips against yours.

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