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Jungkook has nowhere to go, so he sat on the stairs before the front door of the castle.

He was sure that monsters won't attack him because he's still in contact with the castle.


He craned his neck and saw one of his hyungs peeking on the door.

"Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi went out and took a seat beside him, "Why are you out here? It's dangerous."

"I'm still in contact with the castle."

They fell silent and just remained staring at the night sky.

"What's the problem?"

Jungkook sighed, "I saw Y/n let Hoseok and Taehyung hyung in her room months ago. Hoseok hyung gave her a peck on her forehead before he left then Taehyung hyung appeared after some seconds and she let him in, then minutes after, he went out while touching his bottom lip and smiling widely like they..."


He looked at Yoongi and his eyes widened when his hyung's expression darkened.

"You like her."

Jungkook's eyes widened even more and realisation hit him when he saw Yoongi glaring at him.

"And you like her too."

Yoongi stood up and smirked, "Of course I do, just like how the others does."

He stood up as well with a frown on his face, "What do you mean the others?"

Yoongi smirked and tilted his head on his right in amusement, "You didn't notice? You have eyes for a reason, Kook." Then he left.

Jungkook clenched his fist, he's having an idea but he can't accept it.

There's no way all of them fell for the same girl.


But you never know.

Jimin shifted on his bed with the possibility that all of them likes the same girl.

He sat up and ruffled his hair in frustration, he slipped on his slippers and went out from his room.

With the way he saw how his friends stare at you made him suspicious.

He realised how his friends stares at you since the very first day you came but he ignored it.

And now, he couldn't think of a solution on how he will deal with his feelings while his friends has the same feelings for you.

"Couldn't sleep?"

Jimin stopped and turned around only to meet Taehyung's gaze, he's leaning on the wall before his own room's door.

"Yeah." He replied and frowned if he really saw a glint of suspicion on the other's eyes.

"Why?" Taehyung asked and began to step towards him with his hands inside his pocket.

"Uhh, just thinking of something."


Jimin frowned on how the other kept on asking him questions, "Yeah?"

"Are you sure it wasn't someone?"

His eyes widened and find Taehyung's actions strange, "What's going on with you?"

The raven haired stopped right in front of him, his expression turned blank.

"You will know if you are feeling the same for her."


Hoseok gulped, bullet of sweats forming on his forehead, his bangs getting wet.

"Do you like her?"

His breath was shaky and unstable while listening to Jin and Namjoon.

"I think you should ask yourself that question."

Namjoon answered and he knew he's being a coward but he doesn't want to be a threat to his friends.

The principal knew that his friends grew fond of the only girl in the castle, including him and he knew this time will come.

And he had prepared, in case they will ask him like this.

"You wouldn't come here and ask me that if you don't like her, Jin."

Jin took a deep breath, "I'm just making sure because I saw you asked her to join you in the study room and you obviously didn't know what to do there with her."

Namjoon was surprised but he didn't show it, "We're looking for clues."

The room went silent, "I'm going." Then Jin left.

Hoseok went out from hiding on the corner near Namjoon's office as he wiped his sweat.

He went inside the principal's office, "You didn't answer his question."

Hoseok was surprised when Namjoon just smiled instead of being shock that he heard their conversation.

"We've known each other a bit longer, Hoseok. Let's keep that to the both of us."

"You're not surprised."

"Ever since she came, everyone was keeping an eye on each other."



Jungkook exclaimed as the eight of you went out from the castle.

The awaited day has come and the next six days wouldn't be spent inside the castle.

"You guys better ask your parents regarding the book, they might have a clue." You said and everyone agreed.

All of you were now walking towards the cave with vines blocking the entrance like it was a curtain.

You reached the exit and bid each other a goodbye before walking towards the cars that your parents sent to pick you up.

You watched as one by one, everyone drove away to different directions.

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