Chapter 3

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Kirishima's POV
            Y/n retreated to the bathroom stalls to change. It was strange but I paid no mind to it. Maybe he was just insecure, I'll talk to him about it later.
Denki then spoke up, "hey does anyone know why Y/n is changing in the stalls?" I was a bit angered by his question. He didn't need to know the reasoning behind someone's personal decisions, he should stay in his own business. Y/n was a great person from what I've seen. Although he likes to keep to himself a lot, but otherwise he is a cool social person when you get to know him.
          "Just let him be, if he wants to change in the stalls then let him. There is no point in prying for an answer." I stated calmly.
Denki have me a teasing look and responded, "what? You don't like me talking about your boyfriend?"
           I flinched, Denki and I had met over the summer and he was the one to help me come out to my mom's. He was the only person who knew I was gay. I really didn't mind if other people knew, it's unmanly to not embrace yourself for who you are. At least, that's what I tell people. I still haven't really come to terms with myself. I like guys and I am embarrassed to admit it, it's just girls are not my type.
          My first kiss was taken by a girl in Junior high. She was nice and overall very pretty, she had confessed her feelings under a cherry blossom before rushing to kiss me. I felt no "spark" when we kissed, I didn't feel anything. It was like I was kissing my own sister, which is gross.
          Y/n then opened the stall door and left the locker room without a word, he looked a bit down and that worried me.

Y/n's POV
        My dysphoria had suddenly been triggered with little to no reason. I guess it was from the fear of getting my secret found out. No one needed to know the person I used to be, I'd rather they focus on who I am now.
          With that, I didn't change my binder. I knew I was going to regret it, but I already look feminine enough as it is, I don't need my bust to be seen through my gym shirt.
Jogging to the field where Aizawa-sensei I stood and waited for my other classmates to join in.
         Once everyone was gathered together Aizawa asked Bakugou to step forward and give a demonstration by throwing a ball while using his quirk. Bakugou through the ball harshly while yelling "DIE!" as it left him palm. I rolled my eyes at this, he really expects to be a hero?
          Aizawa explained that we could use our quirks for these tests, however the person who placed last would be expelled. I knew he had a history for expulsion so I was determined to do my best.

Time skip~
         My stamina was running thin, and my breathing was being blocked by my binder. We were told to start doing crunches and have our partner count how many we are able to do. Kiri had asked me to be his partner before Izuku did, and of course I had told him 'yes'.
          Starting off I attempted to keep my breathing at a normal pace, but by the twelfth crunch I was panting and felt light headed. Kiri gazed at me and furrowed his brows, "hey Y/n you good? You seem a little pale."
             I couldn't form words as I kept on with my crunches, so I merely nodded. Black blocked painted my vision as I slowly got weaker.
           " Y/n! Are you okay? Dude, you're super pale. Are you gonna pass out? Please, I know what Aizawa said might've intimidated you but you don't have to push yourself so much. "
At this Izuku looked over and instantly sat up and shuffled over to me.
          I was on the verge of passing out. I could barely breath or make out the voices that shouted my name. I could tell it was Kiri and Izuku who were concerned, but so was Aizawa who instructed them to move away.
I don't know what happened after that, but I did know that I would be in a lot of trouble for wearing the wrong binder.

Authors note: My session with my therapist went great! So my day that followed was also very good. A bit insecure but alright. How was your day dude? By the way before I forget, I have to give some credit to another writer on Wattpad. I have been reading their story called "Aizawa's son (Kaminari x Ftm reader)" It is SO good and I got a bit of inspiration from them. So thank you nonbinarysky for the few ideas. I really love the story and hope you update soon! Anyway, last thing. I know I keep saying I'll update daily but I basically updated 4 times in the span of just a couple days. I have a lot of time on my hands, so more chapters are on there way.

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