Chapter 16

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Kirishima's POV
           After Y/n's guardian left, Y/n have me a look that practically screamed his thoughts. Obviously he was worried about my reaction toward finding out his little "secret". I wanted to let him know that it was okay and I totally support him. I grabbed his hands which were small compared to mine and looked him dead in the eyes.
           "Y/n, I don't care about what the doctors told you what you were when you were born. All that matters is how you feel. Your guardian may not be as supportive as me but I'm sure they still love you and need to find time to understand that this is who you are and no religious belief or gay conversion therapy or even any harmful words will change who you are. You may not have everyone's support, but that is expected. Sometimes, people are afraid of things they don't know and so they lash out with anger. I'm not like that Y/n, I only see you as the person you are on the inside. Your body doesn't define who you are, nor does your appearance in general. You can have long hair and you will still be a boy. You can even have a face full of makeup and a dress on but you tell me you're a boy and I will respect your pronouns. I see that your guardian doesn't know about well, you. So when you're ready, I will be there to help you come out to them. I can assure you it won't be easy but I'm sure my company will ease the tension a bit." It seemed that Y/n didn't expect those words to come out of my mouth as a river of tears streamed down his face. He smiled sweetly and reached his arms out for a hug.
          I oblige to his silent commands and give him the tightest hug I could manage. It was a bit awkward since he had a bigger chest at the moment but neither of us had really payed too much mind to it, we weren't going to let such a minor thing ruin this perfect moment.
          "We're leaving! Get your asses onto the bus!" And there went Denki, ruining our perfect moment. I pulled back from the guy and left the room with Denki to let Y/n change. Fortunately Denki was too busy rushing to board the bus to notice Y/n's appearance.

Y/n's POV
           Kirishima left the room and immediately after the door shuts the cough I've been suppressing for what seemed like forever takes it leave. A few drops of blood fall to floor but I dismiss it and start to pull on my b/c binder.
            Pulling my uniform shirt over my head, I adjust it accordingly and gaze into the reflections on my phone; I liked what I saw in all honesty. I was comfortable with myself for once in what had been a while, all thanks to Kirishima who didn't reject me for who I was.
             With a large smile stretching across my face I leave the room to spot Kiri who was leaning against the wall. "Come on, everyone is waiting for us on the bus." I walk along side him as we make our merrily way to the bus in a comfortable silence. Our hands grazed each others occasionally as we walked and my heart fluttered at the small spark that touched that particular part of my hand.
            Boarding the loud bus we sit next to each other and start to join in on the conversation going around. Tsuyu was mentioning how Izuku's quirk was similar to All Might's and Bakugou -who was next to her- sneered with a golden medal clamped in his jaws for some reason. In all honesty, he looked like an angry puppy which was kinda funny.

Timeskip~ Intern agencies -about a week later.

           Aizawa passed out our respective papers with the heroing agencies we could choose to intern at. Luckily for me, I had many to choose from. However before I could take my pick I had a small form to fill out, it asked Some clarifications and I answered as truthfully and comfortably as I could.

Question 1: What would you like to be referred to as, this includes any preferred names/pronouns. (Note* Hero's are not permitted to use these names/pronouns.)

Y/n L/n, He/Him

Question 2: What is your quirk and it's drawbacks? List I as much detail as you can.

Quirk: Illusion; with a great imagination I can make anything imagine real whether it be a quirk or an object, as long as I believe the object is truly there I can use it to my advantage. Some drawbacks when my quirk is used to much can include, hearing voices, seeing hallucinations, shortness of breath and even nausea.

Question 3: What is your hero name?

Illusionist/ N/n

Question 4: Are there any mental illnesses we should be informed about?


Question 5: Is there anything you'd like us to know?

I'd like you to know that I would very much appreciate it if you used my correct name and pronouns.

Question 6: Why do you want to be a hero?

I want to be a hero to show everyone that a hero can come in many forms. It does not only stop with a typical person who has a flashy quirk, but a kind hearted strong willed one who will risk everything to save who they can. To save those who face danger and help them realize that as long as I am a hero, they have nothing to worry about. Also, to reveal that even hero's do not have to conform to everyday society, they can be as different as they want and present as they feel comfortable. Add long as they do their job with all of their heart out into it, then that is what matters most.

          After completing the survey I take a look at the list of hero's.

Some were from very well known hero's and others from the more underrated or small time hero's.
           Skimming through the names I see Hawks was one of the hero's who had chosen me, so I put a star next to his name and keep scanning the paper. Then there was Mirko, Sir NightEye, Present Mic and a few other hero's that I had liked.
            One name catches my eye however, Fat Gum.
             The Fat Gum that I knew from childhood had asked me to intern at his agency. I picked his name and turned my paper in confidently, other students didn't know who too choose or had to little options to choose from. They have me a questioning glare because they had seen the array of names on my paper yet I had already chosen who I wanted to be an intern for. It was crazy to them, but the best damn day for me.

Authors note: Sorry for the short chapter, I'll make sure to make the best one longer. The next chapter will be your first day with Fat Gum and Tamaki so this should be interesting.

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