Chapter 44 Movie Chapter

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          It seemed like a vacation. This long term assignment to help the people on this island was no chore. It was a lot of fun if I'm being honest.
          Sometimes I got to help with the fields, but that time was cut short after an incident with a farmer.
          He had asked if I could help him plant some different seeds across a giant plain of soil. I agreed and imagined all of the seeds in my hand flying to their respective places under the soil and to be watered by small tabloids that would hover just a few inches above. After that, they would grow immediately into a beautiful garden of vegetables, flowers and other crops that the old farmer had wanted planted.
            As I opened my eyes, it was to be revealed that a what I had imagined had become a reality. The farmer was amazed at how easily I had completed the task.
            "Wow! There is no way you did that in mere seconds lad!" My quirk was still in development. So I could know it's not real and still have it be passed of as something that is. However, if someone else were to find that the illusion was false it would crumble away and I wouldn't be able to do it again as long as said person were to actually believe in it.
              With that, the crops withered and fell into the soil as black and wrinkled diapers of what they once were.
              After that, he had called for a different hero and I was now on phone duty with the Baku squad along with Deku and Iida.
(Yess! HA! I SPELLED IT RIGHT! And just to make up for earlier attempts he will be included a bit more in this chapter😌)
             I conversed with Kirishima about what we could do after it was our free time.
               "Maybe we can start a new show! Ya know, we could like binge watch it together and complain about how boring a certain character is or how stupid, or-... Wow, sorry. My mom's would usually do that so I-er-uh, thought it was a typical couple thing." Pumping my fists together I smiled and replied, "Sounds manly!"
               We laughed harmoniously.
            The pho be at my desk began ringing and I picked it up. With a smile I began talking to the nice kid on the other side.

Kid: Hello? Could you send someone who would be able to find my little brother?

Me: Of course, I will look for him right away! May I have an description of your little brother?

Kid: He's small, with orangish blond hair and he's wearing the straw hat I have him.

Me: Okay I'll find your brother as soon as I can!

Kid: You better.

                I hung up and stood from my chair. I let Kiri know about the task and gave him a small kiss on the cheek as I left the room.
                After about an hour of searching around the small town and asking random citizens about the child I finally found said kid by a slide in a distant tree house.
                  "Oh, hey! Your sister had called me to come find you, are you okay?" Before the little strawberry blond boy could answer, who I assumed to be his older sister slid down the slide from the top of their tree house and pointed an accusing finger at me. "You took a whole hour to find him! You should be ashamed!"
                 I raised my hands defensively, I couldn't get mad at this kid although she did seem like a little-
                "Mahoro! They tried to find me though!" The girl who I now knew as Mahoro shook her head and grabbed her little brothers arm. "Well she wasn't fast enough!" My heart began to speed up, should I correct this bratty girl? Would she even listen?
              "Uhm, I'm sorry Mahoro," I bowed respectively. "I should have been faster and um, one more thing, I'm actually a boy." Her angered expression never left her face as she stated ideas in the eye. "Then why do you have boobies? Huh!"
                I then remembered that I was in my hero costume and I had been wandering for ages looking the kid. While doing that, it seemed to skip my mind that I had adjusted my binder and now I had a small, but noticable, curve on my chest.
                "Well, uh, I have a... Condition. Which gives me a larger chest than most boys." I wasn't lying entirely, but to call it a condition only served to make it sound more serious than it actually was. "Lets go Katsuma," the girl pulled her brother along and walked past Uraraka and Jirou who were just arriving to see what was going on.
                 "Wait!" Katsuma exclaimed as he ripped out of Mahoros grasp. "Wait!" He ran over to me and I bent down to eye level to hear what he had to say. "What's your name?" He asked shyly. I
                 "Mine is Y/n, and I'm assuming yours is Katsuma right?"
                  He nodded feverishly with a smile crossing his lips.
                  "Mr. Y/n, thank you for looking for me. You're my hero!" Katsuma smile was contagious and it seemed to grow on my face and spread to Uraraka and Jirou.
                    "Lets go Katsuma! She didn't save you, had it been a real situation, you would be dead by now!" Mahoro once again pulled her brother along by force and that same tugging of pain returned.
                  Uraraka was sympathetic , while Jirou was ready to tell off some toddlers. I however wasn't having it. I didn't need sympathy, I didn't need their comfort. A real man sucks it up and doesn't pay mind to it. So that's exactly what I did.
                  I left the duo without another word and soon returned to headquarters where everyone else would be lounging about for the night.
                 I approached the door leading inside where all the students were going to be only to be met with everyone talking and laughing while mucking on some food the villagers brought for their service.
                Not having an appetite I weave past the hanger teens and head off to my assigned room.
                'Why?' I thought to myself. 'Why do I let a little kid get to me? She's just an uneducated little girl and she didn't do it on purpose! So why does it hurt so much?'
                  Tears began to form; 'No I don't fucking cry Y/N!' Internally I was begging myself not to let the tears slip, but eventually, they did.
                     Someone was outside of my room door, quickly I swiped at the tears still falling and attempted to rid the redness from my eyes. In walked Kirishima, holding a platter of (Favorite Foods).
                    "Heyyyy Beauty Cool!-" His smile faltered as he gazed upon my tear streaked face which held a smile that I've been perfecting for years.
                      He set the plate down on my night stand and closed the door behind him. "Hey, what's wrong?" Usually I would keep my smile and tell him it was nothing, or lie professionally. However this time I couldn't stop the water works and the dam that held all my tears back momentarily broke upon force and let the tears stream down my face once again.
                    "Hey babe, it's okay, just tell me what's wrong, was it Mineta again, I'll kick his was of he did anything to you "
                       I shook my head, "I know I'm a guy. I've felt this way forever and yet... I'm still so feminine, I let the smallest things get to me and I don't act like you do, or Sero, or Bakugou even. You guys don't cry or get heartbroken at every inconvenience but I do. And I hate it. Even me crying about this now is stupid and-"
                    Kirishima grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. "Is that how you feel? What? You want me to start calling you D/n because of how feminine you are? All right fine! D/n!"
                     My eyes began to water once again, I could by expect support for every problem, right?
                     The red head looked at me with sympathy painting his expression, "Y/n I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for it to come out like that, that was totally unmanly of me!" The bed dipped as Kirishima say next to me and placed his strong arms over my own sweaty disgusting body.
                      "What I meant is, you shouldn't be doubting your masculinity just because you show a bit more emotion than most guys in our class. Just because we don't show off our emotions doesn't  necessarily mean we don't have them and don't have to get them out. Actually, I think your emotions make you manlier. One of the main reasons guys are less likely to show emotion is because of what society expects from us. Guys are supposed to be the knight in shining armor while the girls are thedamsels in distress! And the nonbinary and other folk aren't mentioned unfortunately. Anyways, guys are seen as strong, independent and fearless. As a result so many born males are taught that as kids. Whether through childish movies or regular old drama's. So for a guy to not be afraid to show emotion when necessary is super manly and you, kind sir aren't afraid are you?"
                        I shrugged and he continued.
                     "By letting me talk to you and sit by your side is more than enough evidence that you aren't afraid. No matter what you do or what you look like, you'll always be a man."   
                          I looked up at his towering figure, "always?" I asked.
                       "Always," he finished off with a smile.
                           Suddenly he removed my head from where it was placed on his shoulder. He patted his lap, " lay your head down on my lap and get everything you need to get out. Whether you need to cry, scream, he'll you can even punch me if youre that mad. I will be here, no matter what for as long as it takes for you to get everything out, it's not good to bottle it up. "
                      I swiped a hand under my nose and sniffled, if he really meant that then we would be here for a while. And he did, he kept to his promise and stayed with me as I cried and yelled and  even landed a swift punch in him. Despite all of that, he still stroked my hair and kept a living smile on his face as he looked down at me. He even stayed the night with my head placed in his lap. I love Kiri for the support he gives me and I know that this is the man I want to marry.

(Part 2 coming soon. this chapter really came from the heart. Sometimes I say or do things that I find "too feminine" and I get super dysphoric and down about it. Lucky I have Ms. Yato on my side. I listen to a comfort audio and poof my Dysphoria starts to skip away and I feel so much better. This is a message to everyone. NO matter how feminine you represent or act even, you are still a man and 100% valid. Have a great day dude, or night depending on where you are (: )

   Mahoro and Katsuma.

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