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As a kid you looked up to pro heros such as All Might and Thirteen. Your fascination of pro heros brought you closer to your neighbor, Izuku, who was an All Might fanatic -you didn't judge him for it so that also tightened your relationship.

At 5 years old you had received your quirk. You just had dinner and was craving ice cream, your guardian had told you "no" and let you pout by yourself. Stomping into your room you began to play with your toys. You wanted ice cream, so you imagined your action figure buying your favorite flavor and POOF! There it was, in a nice cone sat your favorite flavor of perfectly swirled ice cream.

Running to your Guardian you bragged about the ice cream cone in hand and when they didn't believe you they had attempted to reach for it, only for their hand to pass right through. Suddenly you were confused and had stopped believing it was real as well. It disappeared and you were kind sad. Your guardian was thrilled however, you had finally got your quirk. You were just plain pissed off though, you really wanted ice cream.
The next day you were saddened to see that Izuku did not receive a quirk as quick as you, so you waited to use your quirk when you weren't around your friend as to not flaunt your new abilities. Sometimes Izuku would ask to see what exactly you could do with your quirk and wrote it down in a journal he had his mom but for him. He seemed so intrigued by your quirk that it made him all the more excited for him to get his own.                  
Unfortunately Izuku was later diagnosed as quirkless and you were the only one he would talk to for a couple weeks after he was informed. He had attempted to remain friends with another boy named, Katsuki afterwards but he pushed him away and called him names. You were Izuku's only friend and he was yours. Together, you two were inseparable. You told each other anything and everything.
You had taken notice of your deep fascination with the male pro hero's and how you would always shrug off the female ones. You found it kid of odd, however you merely dismissed it with the excuse of the male the pro hero's just had better quirks.
It wasn't until you were in your third year of Junior high that you took notice of your thought process whenever you admired the male heros. Your mind would constantly wonder to "I wish I looked like that!" Or thoughts like " I wish I was him!. " Confused you searched to find a deeper meaning behind these thoughts.
After hours of research and questioning and denial. You had come across a few symptoms that you had been feeling
lately, things you secretly hated about yourself and had no idea was something that some other people like Izuku don't naturally feel. You finally came to terms with yourself, you were Transgender. It made sense, lately you have been more insecure with your body type. It wasn't your weight, it was rather, the bust of your chest. Along with that, your hips, facial structure, hair length and height were things that you tried to mask from other people as well as yourself. You would find yourself having constant anxiety attacks because you couldn't stand these things that made you like every other girl in school. You didn't want that. You wanted to be like All Might. You wanted to be strong, looked up to, brave and confident; you wanted to be seen as a man.
It was hard, you put yourself down so many times because you didn't think what you felt was right and you definitely kept it secret from G/n. Although you hated yourself for being so confusing and different, you had a love for it too.
Scared to tell your Guardian, you went over to Izuku's house first.
You knocked faintly and was happy to see Inko answer the door. "Well, hi D/n! Is Izuku expecting you?" She smiled. You inwardly cringed at the name usage, but what else was she to call you? " Uhm, actually, no. I wanted to talk to him about something... personal. " You looked down, ready to burst into tears.
What if he doesn't accept me? What if I lose my only friend? What if he tells my guardian and I get in trouble? Everything will be over.
Inko noticed your saddened gaze and with her soft motherly voice asked- "D/n, sweetie, what's wrong?" That was when you couldn't contain it any longer and you cried harshly in front of Inko. She had never seen you cry, it was not like you were one to to cry either; at least not in public. Inko hadn't been a witness to you sobbing so uncontrollably since you were a kid, so this worried her very much.
She placed a welcoming hand on your back and lightly guided you inside the house. Unable to speak you didn't object to her actions. Izuku then suddenly rushed into the room with a wide smile, " Mom, I-! " His smile faded as his gaze landed on you. Immediately he rushed to your side and asked you what was wrong.
You hesitated, how were you going to explain this? You took a few deep breaths through your nose and despite the sniffling and hiccuping was able to get out briefly what you needed.
"I-I-I do-don't want t-to be-e a girl-irl anymore. I c-can't do it. I a-am so uncomfortable w-with m-m-myself and I don-t want t-to live like this for th-the r-est of my life. " Barley able to form a sentence, you left it at that and waited for their reactions.
Izuku gave you a confused look, " D/n what do you mean? " Unlike Izuku, Inko gave you a knowing look and turned her attention to her son. "From what I've gathered, I think she would be happier as a he, am I right?" She then turned back to you for approval. You nodded slightly and sniffled as you were still scared for Izuku's reaction.
" But what does that mean? " You should have guessed, Izuku was so innocent he wouldn't have known to prepare himself for a situation such as this one. Inko responded "D/n does not feel that sh- he is a girl. He wants to be a boy, even though his biology says different. To put it simply Izuku, D/ n is transgender."
Izuku looked at you curiously and spoke, "how can you be a boy if you have, uh well, a girls reproductive organs? You will always be a girl. I don't understand, what is with the sudden change? I'm sorry, D/n but I just can't see you as a boy."
You stared at him with disbelief, you had a feeling he wouldn't accept you, but it was so much worse in real life than in thought. You started to cry once more, you knew it wasn't very "manly" of you, but you couldn't control it. Inko shooed Izuku off to his room and looked you in the eyes. "Please do not pay mind to Izuku, he doesn't understand how you feel or what you are going through. However, I will have a talk with him afterwards, alright?" You nod as she girls your hands reassuringly and continues, " No matter what you end up identifying as, always know that you are loved and accepted. Only you know who you truly are and no one can tell you otherwise. No matter how much you may think you look like a girl, in the eyes of the people that care about you, you are a man. And you are valid. It doesn't matter what other people think, you are a man and if they don't see that, then they aren't worth the fight. They are ignorant and are going to regret it when they see how happy you are. I love you like I do my own son and just know you will always have a place here. Izuku will come to his senses and he will realize who you are, just give him some time to process it. "

Authors note: I will be updating daily, so tomorrow will be chapter 1. I know and I will go back to fix any grammar errors. I hope this chapter was enjoyable. I thought every other story was told with Izuku being supportive from the very beginning, so I wanted to switch things up. Maybe, I do not know yet, but maybe I will have Bakugou a bit of a bully to the reader and have Kiri tell him off. Maybe, I'm still thinking about how this is going to work out. Anyway, the next chapter will start after the entrance exams. You don't know about Izuku obtaining All Nights power but you are happy for Izuku nonetheless.

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