Chapter 47

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We ended up calling out of work that day to spend with Ciel. At least we tried, they wouldn't allow us to do so since today was the unfortunate day that every other hero in the agency had decided to take off as well. agency

Anyways, Kirishima made some delicious pancakes (which surprisingly he didn't burn) we all sat down and ate. Like a normal family.

Ciel was more quiet than usual, his raccoon eyes stared down at his plate as he thought deeply.

Apparently his parents had gotten into a nasty fight that morning, sometime around 5 or 5:30. The fight for physical which resulted in things being thrown and having the both of them in the hospital. What had sparked this sudden anger between the two? Well, it was Mina. Somehow, she had been caught cheating on her husband with someone else. A girl to be exact.

It pained me to hear of my best friend and former classmate fighting. Especially out of all people, it being the once quiet, emo Tokoyami and the bubbly, outgoing alien queen.

Despite the awkwardness of the situation Kirishima had decided to make conversation and steer away from any mention of poor Ciels parents.

"So, how are you liking your internship?" Asked Kiri with a mouthful of his breakfast.

Ciel looked up from his mostly devoured pancake, drenched in syrup and smiled.

"I don't know, I think Y/n is lucky to have me though, I had a lot of other hero's scouting me to be their intern." He bragged. Only, I had a counter attack for him.

"You wish there were more hero's asking you to be there intern. Remember? You were so disappointed you told me you almost cried."

Ciel went red and looked back and forth between me and his plate of unfinished food. "Uhm, yeahh, sure I remember."

He seemed to lose his composure, which made me question if I had gone too far.

"Well anyways, we have to get to patrolling soon, so you two just head out now for the ride. Ya know, get your mind off things." Suggesting Kiri as he rose from his seat at the table.

"What about you? I can do the dishes."

Kirishima glanced at Ciel sympathetically and returned his gaze to me, "the kid has had a rough day and who doesn't love to just ride around in a car and space out for a while?" He made a good point.

I went over to kiss him good bye and wish him a good day, then left with Ciel in my tracks.

POV switch

I woke up from a deep rest and checked my watch to find out the time. It was rather early, 5 A.M to be exact.

I groaned and maybe my head back on my pillow to resume sleeping. That's when I heard the door to my "room" slam open.

"Shhhh! He'll wake up!" Exclaimed who I assumed to be Twice. "Who cares? Fuck that bitch!" Said his alter.

The person accompanying him sighed and walked over to the left side of me. Since my eyes were closed I couldn't see anything, but I heard the clanging of metal.

Suddenly a sharp pain went into my shoulder. It was a long needle. Sure it was small in width but it didn't change the fact that I could feel the metal tool piercing my muscle.

I didn't want the villains to know I was awake so I held back a cringe at the pain and simply let it happen.

"Done, this should be good for about a day and a half, I'll get more tommorow." Whispered Toga excitedly as she skipped out of the room with joyously.

I grabbed the part of my arm that was throbbing. I couldn't held but left a few years skip from my eyes.

I could have saved them, my parents. My mom was there, fighting off Twice while my dad was fighting off Toga. They seemed to be doing well, until a third villain came up from behind me. Dabi.

He put a hand over my mouth and one around my arms and torso. I struggled to break free as the other two villains began to fight more fiercely.

Both of them had gotten my parents into their grasp and threatened to kill them if I didn't leave with them soundly.

My stupid, dumb ass self...

I said no.


They killed them. No hesitation was read on either of their faces. The blond had slot my dad's throat and the masked guy had broken my mom's neck. They killed my parents, as I cried over their death they threatened me again. This time, with Y/n.

I couldn't lose him. Sure I didn't want to lose my parents either but I didn't know the villains would actually kill them. I thought they were bluffing, but they weren't.

To kill Y/n would be the end if the line for me. What would I have left to live for? I didn't make friends at school, I didn't have a lover nor any siblings. So who?

Y/n treated me like his own child. He cared about me and I felt like I could tell him anything. That much I found out when I accidentally came out as pansexual. It was merely a slip of the tongue a secret I didn't want to share for fear of it not being right or even being rejected. Yet, Y/n supported me and have me the courage to come out. When I did, I didn't get any hate. He's done so much for me, believed in me when no one else

Even when my parents were working, he would seem to be the only person who I had. And I couldn't lose him, not for this.

I hung my head and let the villains -who I later found to be named Toga and Twice- into their lair.

They had deceived me. They weren't actually going to Kill Y/n. They were hunting him sure, but they weren't going to Kill him. They wanted the hero to going forced with them, at least that's what they told me.

Shit, I messed up. Y/n is going to be so disappointed in me. Once he finds out that I couldn't save my parents he'll disown me. Despite what he says about heros, I know that he doesn't mean it. He won't forgive me for helping the villains. I just know it...

BNHA Kirishima x FTM readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora