Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV
            I quickly shut the door and inwardly panicked at what just happened. Mineta had seen me without my binder, with a full chest! Taking off my bra I rush to put on my binder and leave.
I was hoping that when I opened the door, Mineta would be back in his sleeping bag thinking it was a dream. However when I did open it, he wasn't.
            "So, you're a girl!" He whisper-shouted in disbelief.
I tried to shrug it off as a crazy dream he had, but he insisted. "I know what I saw! And I definitely saw some nice b/s boobs on you."
              No matter how hard I argued, he knew that I was lying.       "Fine, I do! But you tell anyone and I swear I will shove my foot so far up your ass you will be coughing toenails for the next week." Angrily I stomped to my sleeping bag and later wide awake thinking of the possibilities tomorrow would bring.
Would Mineta tell everyone? Would he blackmail me if I didn't do what he asked? All of these scenarios racked my brain and I couldn't help but cry softly.
               Looking over to Izuku I see that he is cuddled closely next to Todoroki. Usually he would cuddle with me on the nights that I felt like crying myself to sleep and tell me everything would be alright. But I couldn't have him help me now.
               I scan the sleeping bags that littered the floor and spotted Kiri. He was the only other person here who could ever help me feel better in a moment like this. So quietly I scoot over next to him a butt my face in his chest. He groaned slightly and I was about to move away when he had spoken up, "what's wrong Y/n?"
               I froze, I wasn't going to lie to him, but I wasn't going to tell him the whole truth either. "I'm not feeling well and usually Izuku would cuddle next to me and help me out but he's asleep best his little boyfriend."
                Kiri gave a sad smile and coughed slightly. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "Its alright, I'll be your comfort pillow tonight." The gesture was nice. A warm feeling filled my heart and I couldn't help but feel ten times better.
             Ever since Kiri and I met, he has been the nicest and most excepting person I've known -not including Izuku. He has been a reliable person to talk to and since school started we have been through so much together. He helped me through my days that I had really bad dysphoria and made me realize my importance in the world. I could genuinely say I loved him then and there and there would be no doubt in my mind that I was the smallest but unsure.
              In the heat of the moment I lean in and kiss his cheek. He smiled and opens his eyes. Taking in what I had just done I was about to apologize when he chuckled and gave me a kiss on my cheek as well.
               Sparks flew when he had missed me, even though it was just on the cheek. I knew I was in love. My first gay love, was cuddled up next to me dreaming about who knows what. What had occured just moments before slipped my mind momentarily. What could Mineta do? He had no proof. It was his word against mine anyway.

Time Skip~ Two weeks later

            I was one of the first ones in class today, well that is except for Lida who was there before me. I got up particularly early today because today was one of those better days I'd have on occasions. Not only that, but it was also the day of the sports festival. We would be tested in real world problems masked as obstacles to get us ready and help pro hero's pick and choose who they wanted to intern. Besides that, it wasn't that great of an idea to come early because I had nothing to do for the time being and was bored.
            I pull my phone out of my pocket and start watching (Favorite Show). It was a good way to pass the time since there was not about 45 minutes until we had to be present.
            About halfway through the second episode is when students started to arrive. Izuku was one of the first students to arrive in class. His chest was puffed out and his chin was tilted upward, he was definitely confident. Which was unusual, but it was nice to see.
             "Hey Y/n!" He greeted while taking his seat next to me. I turn off my phone and greet him back.
            "Are you excited for the Sports Festival? Every pro hero is gonna see us do out best and choose who they get to intern! Why I do you think will pick you? There are a few options, if we are talking quirk wise then maybe someone who is a bit experienced with combat or weapons. Or maybe it will be someone who doesn't have as flashy of a quirk and then you could do patrol of cities and use your quirk to help the pro hero that chooses you to be their intern. Or maybe-"
            Izuku went off mumbling to himself about such pro hero would want me as their intern. In all honesty I didn't care, as long as they were accepting and not in the hero business for the money then I was fine with whoever.
           I secretly wanted to be an intern to Hawks but that was a stretch.
           Soon the classroom started to fill in with all the students, our homeroom teacher following soon after. "Alright, is everyone here?" Aizawa scanned the room as we stared at his bandages he had gotten from the USJ incident. It was brutal, and Bakugou was almost killed by one of the villains before I had interfered. Which is probably the reason he had invited me to his sleepover, he must've felt like he was in my debt.
            We start to get our uniforms for the festival and leave for the stadium which we are supposed to be tested at. A wave of nerves hit me at once, what if my guardian had started to watch the Sports Festival and they mention me by name? Or I mess up badly? They had said that they wouldn't be able to because they had to work while it was going on but the what it's were more believable.       
            Boarding the bus I plug in my earphones and listen to my music. I needed to clear my headspace so it would be easier to use my quirk. 

Authors Note: I started watching Danganronpa and I just finished the first season. I love the show, it's like the anime version of Sherlock. And now, since I finally found it. I have to finish watching Hunter x Hunter, which if you haven't already, is such a good show that even I -someone who can't watch an anime with too many episodes because then he'll lose interest and forget about it for like a year - have to finish the rest of the show which is about 148 episodes. Just do not watch it in front of your parents or younger siblings.

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