Chapter 23

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Y/n's POV
(Here is where everything will start to unfold. Drama, romance, violence, and Some angst.)
               First day of training was already off to a great start. Everyone was giving me a weird look and masking their mouths as they talked to another person while staring directly at me. It was like those cliche highschool "someone said some shit about you and now its your job to find out exactly what."
                We were on training grounds and everyone was pushing themselves past whatever limits they held. Sweating, bleeding and crying teens EVERYWHERE. However it's not like this stopped anyone from clearly talking about you. Through the blood and tears you would hear your name thrown around.
                 "Why is everyone talking about me?" I asked as I approached a hardened Kirishima. "Oh yeah," he grunted as he struggled to keep his quirk activated through Bakugou's punches. Aizawa was gazing around the field of hard-working students and I made myself look productive by attempting to summon an imaginary creature that I had seen online.
               "I've heard your name thrown around. But I haven't heard exactly what that's about. If it bothers you, I'll talk to them for you." Kiri said through a strained voice.
                 I thought about his offer, but didn't see the good that could come out of confronting people about what they are talking about. I was sure people would approach me about it. In all honesty, it seemed that no one was even trying to keep it a secret. They were very open about it.
                 Training my quirk was a bit harder than I had expected, I needed all the imagination and attention to what I was doing yet I couldn't shake off everyone who was staring at me. I started to feel self conscious, or rather dysphoric. Had they seen the small bump of my chest as boobs? Had they not seen it as small pecs? I couldn't get in their minds and that was the hardest part of training.
                 It had been about an hour that passed until I had enough with the staring and gossip. I wanted to know what everyone was going on about and why.
                Walking up to Mina, I stand my ground as I face her with a scowl. Her back was away from me, but she quickly sensed my presence and turned around to clear her suspicions.
                 She was a bit taken aback by my expression but she returned back to her normal calm state when I had given a sigh of defeat.
                "Why is everyone talking about me? Did I do something wrong?" I asked, expecting the worst to come from her answer.
                She looked back at the other students in our class who were staring at us in interest. Mina put a hand on my back and led me to a more secluded place for us to continue talking.
                "Is it true that..." Mina looked down at her feet and back at me, "that your trans?"
                It was my turn to be taken aback. So many emotions had hit me at once. Anger, confusion, relief, fear. I was stunned, how had she known? How had anyone found out? It could only mean one thing and that was what triggered my anger.
                His betrayal stung, it's not like I trusted him too much but I didn't want it to go down like this. The thing I had thought yesterday, about not caring if anyone had known because I felt so connected to everyone in class was just a thing I had said in the heat of the moment. We were all in trust of each other relying on others to have our backs when we needed it. I didn't mean that I wouldn't mind the whole class being informed without my knowledge. Hell it was the first day of camp and yet they FUCKING knew!
                   So many emotions racked my brain; so many faces entered my mind. Had they been pointing and gossiping because they didn't like me anymore? Because they saw me as a different person now? Did they feel the betrayal I felt for that grape bitch?
                  I couldn't hold my emotions in any longer. I try my hardest to suppress them; so hard to be independent and not tell other people my feelings. I feel as if I did come out with my problems I would seem annoying, or they would dismiss it as seeking attention. I don't want attention I want to be able to express myself. Its not like I could express my feelings to my guardian either, they wouldn't understand. It wouldn't be the first time I ever had a problem with controlling my emotions of over thinking. Who knows how they would deal with it a second time? The first time I was ever independent with solving my problems and became vocal about what I did to suppress them was one of the worst things I had ever done. One of the biggest things I regret. So much attention went on me, so many questions and closer analyzing and talking to strangers and staying in hospitals. It was the worst and I didn't want to ever relive it. As a result, I keep my feelings to myself. The thing is, it's times like this that they decide to come out and prove how much has been built up over the weeks, months, even years that I've remained silent.
                     Falling to my knees I sob into my dirty hands and shake my head as if that would take everything away and leave me alone.
                   A soft hand is once again placed on my back and through the pain and tears, I look up to gaze into Mina's unique eyes. She gave me a saddened gaze and started to cry too.
                   She held me close, our sweaty bodies coming together in a bear huh as she started to cry as well.
                    "Its okay." She said. "Its okay. We all love you no matter what. You are as valid as you say you are and there is no saying otherwise. We just didn't trust Mineta's word fully and we didn't want to offend you. We all love you so much, your the heart of Class 1-A. We, as a class want you to be happy and safe because you've made us feel that way this past year. No matter who doesn't support you, we will be here to back you up and Reno d you that you aren't alone in this journey. Even if you end up transitioning back, or you arent fully sure what you are yet, we will be here to help you and get you through all that we can. Because we love you Y/n. And you are the strongest man I know. "

Authors note: hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it was a bit rushed but it did come from the heart. ❤ we all need someone to support us, and I'm not talking about just gender, but sexuality wise and passion wise. We need to be able to explore ourselves and our end goal is to be happy with who we become. Without support, we can't achieve these things, but it is something a lot of us lack.

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