Special movie Chapter 21, before we get to the next arc

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*warning spoilers to the first Bnha movie.

No ones POV

Kirishima had been brought by Bakugou to this wondrous resort and had asked you tag along. Bakugou was angry that you had been the one he chose to bring but at least it wasn't someone too annoying, is what he thought.
You were all chilling in your shared hotel room planning what you were gonna do that night. Kirishima made mention of a party that only exclusive people on the resort were invited to. Since Bakugou got his ticket to this island resort from getting first place in the sports festival, he was exclusive enough to be invited. Bakugou layed down on the bed, barely giving you any room to sit as his legs where spread out obnoxiously.
"We're not going to that damn party, anyways, I didn't even bring anything to wear." Kirishima gave a cocky smirk and sauntered to his suitcase. " I thought you might say that and brought an extra suit. " He proceeds to pull out two suits from his suitcase and hand one to Bakugou. You wanted to go to the party, but you didn't have a suit to bring with you on this vacation. Your guardian had refused to buy you a suit and all you had were your old frilly dresses. You packed a couple just to make your guardian happy, but you weren't going to wear a dress to the party. You hadn't told Kiri about your situation yet and now you were afraid to say anything. You didn't want to ruin the night with your own problems.
Bakugou was surprised at the thought that Kiri had known him so well, but he masked it with his usual anger. He growled as he retreated to the bathroom to put it on.
"What are you gonna wear Y/n?" He then asked. You panicked for a moment and shamefully let him know of your current situation.
He frowned, " if you needed an extra suit I could have bought you one. You don't need to be afraid to ask. " You sighed and insisted that you would be fine to just remain in the hotel room while they went off to the party.
Bakugou came out of the bathroom and announced that the suit Kiri had given him was to big/small. Kiri gave you a look, "seems like it might be fate to let you go to that party. Give Y/n the suit then, he doesn't have one."
Bakugou changed out of the suit and handed it to you. You changed out of your clothes and slipped into the suit, which was a perfect fit. You were going to be able to go to the party after all with Kirishima nonetheless.
Opening the door to the bathroom, you shut the light off and walk out. Kiri had a pink blush covering his cheeks as he told you that you looked amazing and showered you with other cute compliments.
The party would start soon so you and Kiri had to get ready. Bakugou was not coming, as expected so that left you to go without him.
While in the bathroom you put your shoes on, manage your hair and (this is optional, I know a couple trans guys who like to put makeup on) did a light foundation of make up. With a light sparkly eyeshadow and a wing of eyeliner at each end of your eye. (If to you do decide you want the makeup, you can decide on imagining yourself with more or less. It's really whatever you want.)
Walking out of the bathroom, you link arms with Kiri and say your goodbyes to Bakugou before leaving for the party.

Timeskip~ You're lost on one of the floors with Kirishima

You were no doubt missing the party, you didn't know where it was located and had wandered almost everywhere about the building. Kirishima still kept the party with you two alive however, with his quirky jokes and funny stories you forgot all about the party.
"So, you need a wing man to help with anyone in particular?" Kiri didn't ask because he wanted to help you get together with someone you liked, but more for his own benefit. He wanted to know if you had any romantic interests in anyone. He thought that if you didn't, then he had the chance of you returning his feelings, however if you did, then he wouldn't have a chance with you. The thought of that saddened him, but that was just life.
"Well, I like a person, a guy." You stated bluntly.
Kirishima felt his heart start to crack, "Who?" You hesitated, it would have been so easy to just reply with a simple you but what would happen next was undetermined so you brought up the fact that he never told you who he had liked.
Kiri was growing anxious, he thought you liked someone else and the urge to just crawl into a ditch and lay there until he eventually passed away was growing immensly. Along with that the need to cough became more severe.
You were about to say something when you looked over to Kiri and noticed his face slightly red from him holding his breath. "You okay Kiri?" This time you were the one to worry. Why was he holding his breath?
It was to the point where he couldn't hold the coughing in any longer; he fell to his knees and coughed vigorously. His chest felt like a hundred pounds had been sitting on top of it and his throat felt like someone had taken a blade and made small cuts all over the inside of it.
He saw the blood leave his mouth and drop onto the floor. At this point you were kneeling next to him, nearly on the verge of tears. You had finally realized that Kirishima had been going through the same as you had.
The tears trickled down your face as all you could do was hold onto Kiri for fear life, as if he would be gone forever if you had let go. "Wh-who is it?"
His eyes widened, "wh-wha-?"
"Don't lie to me, no more games. I want to help y-" you began to have your own coughing attack. Kiri held you close as you coughed over his shoulder. He couldn't believe what his mom had said that day was right. You both were going through the same thing.
"It- Its y-" before Kirishima could finish, a tall lanky guy with a weird fleshy hand quirk had arrived. He seemed like he would cause nothing but trouble and you would have to fight him off. His hands were large and web like, much like Emojis arms, how they connect with a large flap of skin. At the end, where his nails were, we're sharp pointy claws. He couldn't have been someone who worked there or anyone who meant well or was misunderstood, his true intentions were crystal clear.
The both of you were in no shape to fight, but you had to. You used Bakugou's quirk and Kiri hardened his body monstrously once more. Ready for battle you both charged at the guy and fought as hard as you could. You were careful not to go to far since you weren't "hero's" yet so.You did as much as you could do with the least amount of hostility.
Todoroki ended up helping out, along with Izuku and a few of the others. After you had beaten him to a pulp and he and his goons who had joined along the fight were frozen.
The other guys left to go to the roof and stop the villains and you and Kiri wandered the halls. You guys were beat up and in no way ready for another fight.
"Who was it?" You asked out of the blue.
Kirishima gave you a shameful look, his gaze fell to his feet as he mumbled something you thought you would never hear in the same context. "It was you."
. Your eyes widened as you turned to him and have a wide smile, " really? " Kiri took your smile as you returned his feelings and boy was he correct. "I like you too, you were the one who did this to me as well, you bastard." You joked, he laughed with a big genuine smile painting his lips.
You both stopped in the middle of the hallways
and stared into each others eyes. You didn't notice until you were actually doing it, but you were slowly leaning in. There right there, in that moment, you had your second kiss, but your first genuine one.
It was nothing like what you had shared with that random villain girl, you quite literally felt a spark between you too. You knew it was right and it definitely felt that way. A long awaited event had finally happened and you two melted together, lost in the kiss you were sharing.
You simultaneously pulled back and continued to look into each others eyes. "Would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" Your heart was doing flips and your joy was through the roof. You had always wanted to be a boyfriend to someone's you love, someone who accepted you. And there you felt exactly like who you were supposed to be. You felt like you were a genuine cis guy who was just asked out by another cis guy and you couldn't be happier. " I thought you would never ask! " You exclaimed.
You went in for another kiss to seal the deal and had the best rest of your time at the resort. You both ended up fighting villains afterwords with your new found energy surge. And had a great time bothering Bakugou together.
Izuku was the most supportive of your relationship and attempted to intimidate Kiri by telling him that he would literally kill him if he were to hurt you. He stammered through his words however which made you chuckle.

And then you woke up! Just kidding, you guys are dating now ❤
This is a part of the actual story, I just wrote the other chapter for the camp arc and then remembered I wanted to include the first movie so I rushed through to write this today and that means that the first chapter to the camp arc is technically finished ,but im going to proof read and extend it to be a bit longer. Btw, if you haven't watched the first Bnha movie already you can easily find it on an app on your phone. Basically there's an app called anime online and once you search My Hero Academia, all of the episodes appear. It also includes the whole first movie in dub. I'm not sure about sub since I don't watch anime in dub -I've tried and honestly I couldn't, I need to be doing something if I'm watching literally ANYTHING, so it's really hard. But yeah, if you haven't watched the movie yet, it is on there for free.

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