Chapter 38

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A/n:I decided to go the supportive route because I really not want to write about being put down and misgendered at least not right now. I want to write something that would basically be a fantasy and make me happy while writing it while also making the reader feel a bit better about themself.

No one's POV

Your guardian stared at you in disbelief...

"I-..." They stared. And stared, and stared.

It was getting to a point where it was kind of creepy how much they stated instead of actually saying something.

"G/n?" You asked in an intimidated tone.

They shook there had slightly and bowed their head.

"For years... For years I've been telling you to express yourself more feminine or that you are a girl and would be addressed by nothing other than your birth name and assigned pronouns. Ever since you were little." They paused to give a pitiful chuckle then continued, "all in an attempt to try to keep you on the path to the life I wanted you to live. I realize that it was entirely my mistake trying to make you someone you're not and it was wrong to try to mold you into who I wanted. You'll always be my child. Whether Transgender or not."

You smiled at the news as your heart was practically bursting out of your chest at the excitement. "This may be a bad time to mention but I'm also gaaayyyy." You squinted your eyes, wondering if you had gone to far with coming out as gay as well.

Your guardian merely smiled and nodded "so now that we're all coming out with deep secrets you have anything else you wanna tell me?"

Kiri looked at you as you gave him a look as well. Pointing to Kiri you stated "Also, Kirishima here is my boyfriend."

G/n gave Kiri a deadly glare, but softened up and said "as long as you take care of him, then I won't kill you."

Your stomach now dropped by overwhelming excitement. Had your guardian just referred to you as HIM?

(A/n: Sorry I'm really tired and I don't feel to motivated today. I know that's not the best note to end this on but I really don't have the motivation to really add on. Maybe I'll add some Tommorow if I feel better. I will extend this part in the future though so it's not so short and stuff. Uhh, so good morning or good night to all of you, hopefully your day will/was great.)

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