Chapter 29

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No one's POV

After successfully being taken by the villains, they left without a trace. No one had known where they ran off to or why the had taken both Bakugou and you.
Kirishima spent hours after the villains attacks looking for you,any trace that would mean that you really had escaped the villains. Aizawa was reluctant to let him go at first, but he agreed once he had taken Denki with him and promised to stay in the shallow parts.
Kiri was losing his mind. He thought that if he had just waited patiently for the villains pass, they would decide on their own that they didn't need you to fulfill their plans. He was wrong though and wouldn't talk to Denki, who was trying desperately to get him to talk to him.
"Kiri, look, I didn't know what was gonna happen. I-I can text the boss now and ask about his well being, will that at least make you look at me?"
Kirishima stopped in his tracks, slowly averting his gaze to Denki. " No, Denki, I want you to get him back! I want Y/n here with me! Not with some low life villains who thought it would be a good idea to steal him away! "
He couldn't hold back his emotions anymore and began to sob. It was something he couldn't control, once the first tear fell he couldn't stop the rest that fell after. Denki put his hand on his friends back for some sort of awkward support. He felt at fault here, he was so scared of the villains that he really wasn't sure if they were actually going to use you as a hostage, all they needed was Bakugou. They weren't planning on taking you, Shigaraki had even claimed that they were not to kill any student while this plan was underway. However, he did not mind if a few people came out severely injured. They couldn't risk the deaths, so they were only permitted to harm. Denki knew this the whole time, yet he didn't tell his friend and telling him now would only result in a bad ending for him.
Kirishima cried into his palms, he had felt that he never cried so much in his life. Sure there were instances where he was scared or really nervous and cried kind of harshly, but those were back when he still had his dark black hair. Now, with his hair as red as the blood that boiled in his body he was an entirely new person. Or so he thought, he was t exactly sure if he had changed after he restyled his hair and started to obsess over manly things. You were the one who set him in place and made him believe to be that new person however. The better version of himself, he wondered if that's how he made you feel. He hoped so, the feeling of being the right person, the one you felt you were always meant to be is the best in the world. He wanted to give you that happiness, but how was he going to now?
He had grown attached, thinking every night of your first day on hormones, or top surgery, seeing you cry years of joy. Or even marrying you on the beach and adopting a child, maybe even helping you come out to your family. He had lost a lot of things as he had grown up, he's lost his confidence, his happiness at one point. But All of that was given back, some of those things still remain lost and you were the thing that filled in those gaps. All he wanted was to see you cry those years of absolute happiness, for you to be the best you. And now, he didn't even know if he could have that.
Y/n's POV ~with the villains~
I had grown back to normal size and gazed at the unfamiliar surroundings, where was I? Last I remembered I was trapped in some sort of globe prison but now, it seemed I was in a bar.
Bakugou was tied up in a chair, struggling to break free of his bonds and a few villains had surrounded him. Two of them had been the people I had seen before I was captured and another was the guy from USJ.
It confused me as to why I was here, but perhaps they would explain further if I wai-. My thoughts were cut short by a sharp pain at the back of my head and my consciousness slipping.
Toga's POV
Mr. Compress striked the teen over his head, creating a mass of blood that dripped down face. Blood. The sweet red liquid looked beautiful on the boy. Nevermind Izuku, for now at least, this guy had caught my eye and he was right there for the taking. His blood was so rich and red, unlike most that I've seen. The blood coating his sleepy face was absolutely breathtaking, there was no doubt I had to make him mine. I knew that I had to have him, he would be my one love. My captured love, I would spend days, upon days slicing him nicely and watching his blood soak his clothes. Hopefully Tomura would let me torture this boy and lick his beautiful blood. My heart started to race with excitement, I just hoped he hadn't had another love. It would be a shame to clear him of his blood before I could get to Izuku, so hopefully it he did then he will be willing to leave them behind for me. I giggled maniacally; Twice had seen me laugh and asked what it was about. My cheeks flushed red as I stated at the teen boy who was now being tied up. Twice had an idea of what I meant and giggled like a school girl, he pranced on the tips of his toes and shook my shoulders.
"Someone has a crush on the hero~." Tomura looked my way with a shameful glare, then realized that I wouldn't have a so called "crush" merely for love. He gave a wicked smile and went back to talking to Mr. Kurogiri.
Twice wouldn't shut up about my liking towards the boy and the other hero, Bakugou, struggled against his bonds whilst yelling for us to unite him or he would beat our asses. Honestly, if love to see him bleed, however he wasn't really my type; he was just plain annoying and obnoxious. A good add on to the league, but a regrettable one.

Authors note: I just got news that in a couple of weeks I will be going on vacation to Florida to see some family. I will be staying for about 3 weeks and I'm not going to be taking the tablet that I use to publish these chapters on, so I will try my best to log in on my account on my phone so I'm not gone for 3 whole weeks. However if I'm not able to -which I kind of doubt- I will publish more than usual to keep the story going and have more parts to read while I'm away.

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