Chapter 37

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A date with Kiri <3

        Kiri and I were planning to meet Fatgum and Tamaki at the park/ where we would walk around and talk about everything. Well, as i had said it was just a plan. When Kiri and I arrived to the park we were supposed to meet at, we saw no one.
       I was disappointed since I was looking forward to seeing Fatgum again but Kiri still kept optimistic and suggested we walk around the small town.
       Reluctantly I agreed, I was still unsure if Fatgum and Tamaki were just late, but Kiri seemed so sure that they weren't coming I couldnt say no.
       We first entered a small cafe were Kiri ordered and payed for both of our drinks. Kiri ordered some chai tea while I ordered (F/d).
       We took it to go as we explored the town. It was a beautiful day, it wasn't too bright nor too dim and no one was really out today so it was even better. Kiri took hold of my hand and kissed my forehead as he led me into the mall.
       "Why are we going into the mall?" I asked. Kiri merely smiled and kept quiet.
        Not many people were occupying the mall either. Mostly gothic teens and fathers shopping for their kids birthday. Or at least I assumed.
        Kiri started to drag me along to a store that I didnt know existed, "well, as your loving boyfriend I wanted to take you on a date." You were confused, so meeting Fatgum and Tamaki was a lie?
         "Then why didnt you just ask me if I wanted to go on a date?" You asked as you slightly chuckled.
           Your boyfriends smile faltered as he slumped and crossed his arms. "Because it wouldnt be as fun." He stomped his foot like a child and laughed.
            Grabbing your hand again he pulled you further into the store and took you to the men's section.
            There sat folded and hanged clothes ranging from Graphic T-shirts to button ups to jean's and shorts.
           "I uh, noticed that you wear the same clothes everyday, so I wanted to buy you some new outfits."
            You smiled as you asked "you sure?" Kiri held a cocky smile and brought up his wallet, "dont worry about it, I picked up a small job and saved some money just for today. Pleeeasse let me go this for you!"

(I wish this would be how it was)

       Smirking I started to look at the various button ups and found a couple that I really liked.
       "Take your time babe, well, not too much time, I have something I want to do afterwards with you."
         Wondering what he had planned for the day ahead you looked for more clothes that suited your clothing taste from other stores.
         Before leaving the mall he made me pick an outfit that I had gotten and told me to change into them.
         Still curious as to what he was planning I was fazed with all the possibilities. Stuck in my own head I didnt notice where Kiri was taking us to until it was too late.
        "Why are we at my house?" I asked curiously.
         "Well, I want to, help you come out to your gaurdian."
          I froze, 'come out?' Does he know what hes saying is absolutely insane?"
        Opening the door we both walked in to greet my gaurdian who was in the living room watching TV. It was their day off so it wasnt unusual.
        "D/n! How are you? I didnt expect to see you today nor your friend."
       Kiri waved before he pushed me forward a bit.
       "Oh your clothes are so baggy, why are you masking off your body structure. You are beautiful, you need to wear something a bit tighte-"
        "G/n, I'm not your little girl!" I suddenly blurted. I covered my mouth, scared for what I had just revealed.
         I cut them off anyways and continued, "G/n... I'm a boy and I feel happier this way, if you cant accept that then fine, but you cant change me. I know what I want and what makes me happy and you cant change it by telling me it's just a phase or it's wrong. I know who I am."
         My gaurdian stared at me in deisbelief.

A/n: I don't know how to make your gaurdian react, should I make them angry and unnaccepting? Accepting and finally coming to terms with the fact? Or scenarios for both?

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