Chapter 32

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Kiri's POV
            Our plan was being set in motion once Lida and Midoriya propelled the three of us through the wall that separated us and the villains. Midoriya's plan was simple and yet at any moment a single flaw could ruin it all.
            As instructed, Todoroki set his ice as high as he could manage, setting up some sort of ice tower. I would have made a joke in the moment if the situation weren't so tense.
           The tower that Todoroki had constructed for us served as more of a source to propel us into the air while Lida and Midoriya used their quirks to get us as far up as possible. My anxiety was rising, I couldn't help but wipe away the sweat that walked from my forehead and stung my eyes. Here would reveal the moment of truth: would the plan work?
          As we were flying in the air I spotted Bakugou and Y/n easily. Although they were small colorful figures I could easily dissect Bakugou platinum blond hair and Y/n's H/c from afar. My stomach did painful flips as I noticed one of the female villains having her arms wrapped around my boyfriend's neck. She smiled merrily as she held him like her life depended on it. While Y/n was more stoic and unbothered by the villains actions, almost like he was accustomed to it. Just what had happened since I was gone?
          The plan was for me to call for Bakugou and Y/n, Bakugou would most likely use his quirk to blast himself all the way to us, while hopefully Y/n did the same.
          Although, if Y/n was in trouble or couldn't use his quirk in the moment, the he would be for Bakugou to step up and take Y/n along with him.
          "Bakugou!" I called. I watched as my best friend looked up, smirked and used his explosions to blast hundreds of feet into the air. Finally grasping my hand in his sweaty palms, he smirked and called me an idiot. I smiled back, but both of us realized that something was missing as we looked back down at Y/n; who averted his gaze from the villains to us and to the villains again.
           Breaking free of the females grasp Y/n copies Bakugou's actions and blasts up to where we were. He held his stoic expression as the wind slapped his face and he approached us.
          Bakugou grabbed his hand as I began to cry tears of joy. For days I had been stressing over the kidnapping of Y/n and Bakugou (mostly Y/n though.) Thinking I would never see them again, but here was my best friend and my lover following behind me as I hold them close and don't dare let them go.

Y/n's POV

           After I had left the villains I felt a lingering feeling. A feeling that something was missing. I guess I had grown accustomed to dealing with the villains antics.
            Kirishima had saved both Bakugou and I, however I didn't feel the relief I thought I would.
             I was still unsure how I felt about Kirishima, but perhaps I had mistaken his actions. Maybe he still wanted to be with me... But what if he didn't?
              What if by the time I was gone he had realized what a nuisance I was. With all of !y problems, he realized he was happier without me?
               "What do you think?" Aizawa-Sensei asked.
                 I hesitated, I didn't know what I thought. I was kind of scared, maybe lost? But to answer the question he was asking, I wouldn't have a clue. I didn't hear what he asked, so I said the first thing that came to mind.
                  " Uhm, sure, I'm cool with that."
                   "Are you sure? This is a big step, you just got back and now your going to practically live at school."
                     My guardian was worried, I can feel by their time of voice, but... Live at school? That sounded amazing.
                     "I mean technically, yes, it would sort of be like living at school since you will be staying in forms but you can still come back for weekends and holidays." All Might explained as my guardian nodded to prove they understood.
                        "Are you sure you don't want to stay here? With me? I can homeschool you." What my guardian had just suggested sounded like a complete nightmare. Although this was the opportunity I had been waiting for! Getting away from my guardian and not being misgendered or standard everyday. Seeing my friends after school and hanging out at will. Not needing permission for every little thing I do? Yes, Please!

A/n: Sorry this chapter is so short. I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do and I didn't know how to incorporate All Night and his battle with One for All in here. So maybe next chapter will be sort of a flashback to what happened and have small details of what happens when you witness everything unfold with Kiri.

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