Chapter 17

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Shark boy: Hey~

Y/n: Hey~

Shark boy: whatcha doin?

Y/n: I'm busy!

Shark boy: Sorry, I'll text you later then.

Y/n: No no no no no!!

Y/n: I'm sorry I thought we were doing that trend thing!

Shark boy: I know, I'm just pulling your leg.

Shark boy: Anyways...

Shark boy: You left before I could ask who you were interning for 😢

Y/n: Sorry, I wanted to get home so I could finish a show I was watching.

Y/n: I'm gonna be an intern for Fat Gum

Shark boy: Lucky

Shark boy: I mean the guy in interning for me is super manly but I don't really know him that well.

Y/n: Ah, I'm sorry. At least he's manly

Shark boy: Not as manly as you ❤

Y/n: Stooop you're gonna make me blush

Y/n: But seriously that made my day

Shark boy: I'm glad it did.

Shark boy: I asked my mom about dysphoric and she told me some things I should know about it so ya know, I could be a better friend.

Shark boy:*Dysphoria

Y/n: Really? That means a lot.

Y/n: So, about Bakugou~

Shark boy: What about him?

Y/n: I've noticed you're really chummy with him

Y/n: did I really just say chummy?

Shark boy: No no, we're just good friends. Nothing more.

Y/n: but you're the only person that he tolerates

Shark boy: Yeah? I guess I never noticed.

Y/n: Yeah, I mean, you're the only person I've ever seen actually touch Bakugou and not be dead

Y/n: What I mean is, I saw you leaning on him earlier and he just LET you

Shark boy: I can assure you we are just friends

Shark boy: I like someone else, so if it turns out he DOES like me. Then I won't be able to return the feelings.

Y/n: Can you at least tell me who it is?

Shark boy: What? No!!

Y/n: Come on I'll be your wing man

Shark boy: Nah

Y/n: Can I guess?

Shark boy: ...sure

Y/n: Denki!

Shark boy: good guess but no

Y/n: Is it embarrassing?

Shark boy: if I tell you, you might think I'm weird and not want to hang out anymore.

Y/n: I would never do that Kiri


Y/n: Is it Mineta??

Shark boy: I'm done.

Shark boy: After all we have been through, you think I like MINETA?

Y/n: I'm sorry!

Shark boy: nope

Y/n: I didn't mean to offend you!

Shark boy: Nope, you made me mad now

Y/n: Come on you know you can trust me!

Y/n: Can you at least give me a hint as to who it is you like?


Y/n: Is it me?                                                                       Draft

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