Battle plan...Quiz???

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Based on above photo-always wanted to do this
Warning! Stony 😏 Irondad spiderson and PopsSteve
Tony pov

meetings were ALWAYS boring. Boring Boring BORING! Even when they involved a battle plan meetings were always boring. As I was contemplating this conundrum the warm cup pressed against my hands and lips and I slumped into the sofa• ahh coffee was there nothing it couldn't solve?• his breathing slowed in relief.

A hearty chuckle reverberated behind him "nice coffee?" Steve asked, Tony nodded in a trance until he bolted upright to gaze into the his eyes Tony hadn't made a coffee this morning.

Steve started laughing "I thought you'd needed it" Steve reached for his own mug taking a sip. The two sat in a silence but it wasn't uncomfortable. warm hands massaged Tony's shoulders "what's going on in your big brain?" A hint of sarcasm but mostly intrigue flowed through the words Tony sighed and answered:

"meetings, they're so boring" Steve nodded that little nod which showed interest and a want for more to be said so Tony continued "even with battle plans They need livening up if-"

"YESSSS I won I'm the best oh yeah!" Stony laughed "PETER! keep it down" the celebrations quickly stopped coming from the young boys bedroom he had MJ and Ned over "Sorry Mr Stark!"
"It's Tony kid" both men said one not as serious as the other causing Steve to erupt into more giggles as Tony pouted simultaneously.

Half an hour later MJ and Ned left and Peter emerged from his room Tony was teasing his boyfriend on the 'wonders of Tv you will never understand' when peter flopped down next to them burying his head into the cushions "hey peter" "pops,Dad" he was not happy. That or he was EXTREMELY tired.

his head shot up at the realisation of his words. It wasn't the first time he'd slipped up his 'dads' smiled at the sentiment Steve blushing a little he wasn't quite used to being seen as a 'Pops' then Tony was.

"Peter are you ok?" Tony tried gaining a groan in response Tony looked to Steve "What's wrong queens?" The nickname worked as peter uncovered his head "I lost on Kahoot MJ thought it'd be brilliant to do a Spider-Man quiz and I LOST TO Ned NED! I will never live this down I'm officially a hermit called Herbert who lives in Spain you don't know me goodbye" he was then effectively prevented from shoving his head back into the cushions.

"What's a kaboom?" Tony asked peter giggled as Steve also confused had his head to one side "no no dad KaHOOT it's a website of quizzes you play on your phone and a computer it works by-"

Steve pov
And the kid began to ramble of course, I understood why Tony loved it. The kid trusted you, it was times like these where he wasn't a superhero an orphaned baby but a happy normal kid. When he finished Tony's eyes were alight I could practically see his cogs whirring. He turned to me "Steeeeeve." Then to peter he whispered into his ear so quietly even I couldn't here it. A smile broke out onto his face and he nodded enthusiastically "steeeeeeeeeve?" "Peter not you too!" I gasped dramatically they gave me their best puppy dog eyes but I wasn't giving in:
OH NO, never, not even a little, not at all, no 
I could of this, I could do this. I could...
"I don't know what you want me to do but I'll do it ILL DO IT STOP PUUPY DOG EYEING ME!" Tony grinned as I groaned these two! "about the meetings.."

The next day

Clint sat bored his chair was going around in circles and occasionally riding up onto two legs they were waiting on Tony as usual, Peter and Steve. That was the UNusual part Steve was the early bird well early board meeting man and peter when he was allowed on missions closed in on Steve's title

"oww" Clint yelped now on the floor Glaring up at Natasha "do you want to hit your head on the back wall and die!" Sam stifled a laugh "when were you a teacher?" A thwack on the ear silenced him. "Where is Son of Stark, Captain and man of iron?" Thor chimes in who, had only just realised, they were missing.

everyone shook their heads "Maybe Steve's caught up?" Bruce asked from the back wringing his hands nervously "yeah with Tony!" Clint laughed the room fell silent

"he's behind me isn't he?" They nodded "IF we were busy YOU'd hear Barton and I know you hide in the vents" was the saucy yet terrifying reply Clint turned and nodded a little red

"Shell head don't scare him! But Clint, Don't test me! you step out of line I can help you into your own ice block" Clint again nodded officially scared Captain America NO Steve could be scary when he wanted to be.
"Now your scaring him Winghead!" The two took their places in their chairs

"where's peter?" Nat ever the observer asked The boy in question rushed in nearly falling over his own feet when Tony saw him he winked and smiled at Steve before sitting down he had his rucksack with him which was normal but only three people knew what it contained.

"Right!" Steve called going fully Captain America "the plan" the meeting was as boring as ever but everyone was paying attention even Tony! While Steve rattled on and on peter seemed to be more impatient then usual his knee jiggling up and down (a habit he'd picked up from Tony) was more violent "and that concludes our battle plan" the room was silent Bruce went to stand but a glare from Steve Tony and even peter forced him down. The trio had full attention now smiling like they knew something the others didn't. A heavy pause hung in the air then Tony broke it

"Alright peter your up"

Peter stood " now let's see how much you guys were paying attention, you have your phones on you I assume?"

They nodded confused pulling them out peter unzipped his rucksack taking out his computer and opening it at the top of the table furiously typing away Steve and Tony wore proud smirks

The Kahoot music began to play and Clint's eyes seemed to say,with the bonus of having kids, he knew what was about to happen. Natasha smiled now she knew ,she's a spy of course she knew, Bruce was still confused

"ok so underoos here has a multiple choice quiz of questions relating to the meeting type in Kahoot and enter this game code NO STUPID NAMES there is a kid here!"

Bruce nodded Tony pulled out his phone and Steve, not wanting to be left out, did as well the names were:
Best Avenger-Clint "CHANGE IT!" "Katniss" "No Tony I!"    There was no room to argue

Nat-Nat (no one dared argue)

You know me- Tony changed to Shellhead by Steve

Captain Rogers-Steve changed to Winghead by Tony


Thor god of thund-Thor "what happened to my er?" "There's limited characters Thor"

Tony sniggered "God of Thund that's better than point break!" Thor hung his head Steve leaned over to him "trust me it won't go away any time soon" 

The names were in and Peter clicked start.

"peter by the way" Tony struck up
"how many questions are in this quiz?"
Peter threw his gaze back to Steve who was full on smirking when peter answered Tony's face filled with dread  oh no "150 QUESTIONS PETER!"

"Right Question 1"

Tony really shouldn't have told Steve his meetings were boring because he was sure These quizzes would become normal



"Why,  you can't do this all day Tony?"


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