Peter parker:hydras freak 2

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Fury burst through the door with a legion of officers soldiers and nurses "WHERE IS THE HYDRA SCUM WHO HURT MY NEPHEW!" His normal commanding voice boomed we were all still cocooned with webbed mouths so our silence was (for once) accepted as he realised he was literally talking to a webbed wall his men surged forward freeing us everyone crowded round us asking for him
For peter
For my son
Every question graced their lips but I couldn't hear, or care I just thought of Peter why did he have to be so selfless

Back to peter
What did I get myself into I had been recuffed
And bound put on a helicopter and payed no more attention as we flew to god knows where I mean how many flipping bases did they have??!! I was struggling to keep up my emotionless 'zombie' look but as I said before no-one paid me any attention which was lucky my handler would occasionally look over however  pleased with his 'good work' of 'enslaving spider man' sometimes heightened senses were a good thing
One of the men was staring at me, oh god I was looking at him I quickly averted my eyes which caused him to raise an eyebrow s***! I realised my mistake hydra soldiers don't react that way they in my 'spider' state look through people not at them like being in a trance he knew oh god he knew s***
He smiled to his mate oh god I'm done I'm dead I'll never see dad again
"You know Spiders really are stupid"
His mate smiled "especially ours couldn't fight a few words" he chuckled
"The incredible Spider-Man defeated by his own 'self- confidence'
blast  my super hearing
"Stupid arachnid!"
That's when I lost it
"SPIDERS ARE ARACHNIDS!" I snapped loudly at them

At them!
Oh no!
Their grins turned to grotesque smiles as my handler clamped a hand on my shoulder
"I knew it I knew that tapping meant something ha!"
I leaned away from him but the others held me down
"Your super hearing just got you killed! Or should I say get you to kill!"
I saw a flash of metal a syringe I felt hands hold me tight as I squirmed and shouted for all I'm worth but it went in anyway and I fell asleep anyway.
*Outside the helicopter* 🚁
"Fury we're going in"
Natasha flung the tricarrier door open they were side by side metres from the hydra helicopter "ready katniss?" She smirked
"Wow Nat I'd expect that from Tony but you?" She laughed "come and get me"
and jumped....


Landed with a somersault gracefully  Clint Bumping down less graceful seconds later the hydra soldiers/goons sprung into action....a fraction too late Hawkeye and black widow had them defeated the second they landed in the helicopter (🚁) only one soldier remained,peters handler, trembling holding a knife to the Now lifeless peters neck
"D..don't c.come clos..closer" He squeaked Natasha put her hands up taking a step forward "ok you got me" he breathed relived "good" he squeaked indignantly again he surveyed his attacker wait attacker wasn't their two of the." He couldn't even finish his thought as Clints arrow skewered him from behind peter fell form his grasp eyes closed and weak Natasha with spy like quickness (I wonder why?" Caught him "lets get him back to the tower agreed?"

I'm out for the count? Oh they'll never know what hit them my spider will rise and TAKE THEM OUT!

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