Hydra has peter oneshot

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"So this is the spider I've heard so much about"
"Urgh.." My head felt like I'd been under a monster truck for a week, i slowly opened my eyes it was dark..then bright...to...too bright I closed my eyes shut tightly and moved my head away but I couldn't move far my legs felt tired as did my arms I hated this feeling soo..Weak? I'd never felt THIS bad before, something was restraining me... wait....a...voice?..I..I..heard..voice? Somewhat sinister "urgh.." my head pounded again where was I? What was going on?

Hello..where am I.." I didn't expect an answer.. "Hydra"
...who does in a...scary looking place,(ok I have no idea where the HELL I am i mean I think it's scary?)
"..h..how..what..?" I had so may questions but not enough energy to speak...do they know I'm Spider-Man...or is this because I'm Tony Stark's personal 'intern' OH! WHERES Tony when I need him...wait this could be a trap for him...are the avengers here? A million thoughts raced round my head.. "

"hello peter" a voice said calmly my eyes darted open fast it wasn't soo bad now it was darker then before I checked my surroundings a dark room with no windows a transparent metal door with bars on the side I could see and the hydra stamp on the left and right walls near me....this was not good I looked down and shook at my own predicament..this was WORSE i was on a metal table my arms and legs even my waist was strapped down with huge metal buckles I fidgeted nervously...they were strong..so was I but the..they..didn't budge "I see you are puzzled so let me answer some of those" the voice paused " 'burning' questions" it laughed and my eyes met a man? It's face was completely red and shaped like a skull?!? "My name is red skull." "No figures how long did that name take to come up with any longer than 5 seconds is a crime in itself" i quipped interrupting, his face told me he was not a fan of my comedic genius , my face also thought this as my cheek burned he had slapped it...hard,

"DO NOT INTERRUPT YOUR MASTER!" he bellowed before continuing "You are to become our greatest weapon!"
"Why..me! I don't..I..mean ..me..I'm just.." I trailed off "what purpose do I have" I whispered "peter" he said kindly making me jump "why question your purpose when we ourselves gave it to you!" Red skull replied his voice becoming more sinister as he spoke "..i..i..don't what?" I said obviously confused "It's no secret Parker! Surely you must know? Hmm..." red skull came closer to me reading my face for any hint of a lie he saw none
then he leaned in I felt his hot breath on my neck he whispered in my ear "oscorp was no accident!"

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